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    Attention Lifehunters


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    Attention Lifehunters Empty Attention Lifehunters

    Post by WyrmHero Fri Apr 27, 2012 1:21 pm

    This Saturday will be held the 'Cleanse the Kiln' forum event throughout the day. Bring your SLs 80 or 120 with the Lifehunters armors and kill the gankers. After every win point up towards the Lordvessel. If you invade a Black Knight, point up towards the Kiln and bow to help him kill the gankers he will summon as white phantoms. The instructions are stickied at the PvP section.

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    Attention Lifehunters Empty Re: Attention Lifehunters

    Post by KomradDakka Fri Apr 27, 2012 1:37 pm

    What if those summons are for legitimate pve?

    EDIT: is there some place people put thier signs to signify "I want to help farm?"
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    Attention Lifehunters Empty Re: Attention Lifehunters

    Post by Spurgun Fri Apr 27, 2012 1:41 pm

    i won’t be able to participate sad

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    Attention Lifehunters Empty Re: Attention Lifehunters

    Post by DarkW17 Fri Apr 27, 2012 2:20 pm

    LOL legimate PVE at the kiln come on now silly

    I dont want legitimate WHT's trying to actually PVE to be griefed at all but unfortunately that is a possibility....but hopefully the BK host will use proper discretion on who he summons by the troll gear they are wearing. The fights will be fair tho so even if the WHT that is summoned was trying to PVE he shouldnt mind a good fair duel IMO big grin

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    Attention Lifehunters Empty Re: Attention Lifehunters

    Post by WyrmHero Fri Apr 27, 2012 2:22 pm


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    Attention Lifehunters Empty Re: Attention Lifehunters

    Post by KomradDakka Fri Apr 27, 2012 2:25 pm

    DarkW17 wrote:LOL legimate PVE at the kiln come on now silly

    I dont want legitimate WHT's trying to actually PVE to be griefed at all but unfortunately that is a possibility....but hopefully the BK host will use proper discretion on who he summons by the troll gear they are wearing. The fights will be fair tho so even if the WHT that is summoned was trying to PVE he shouldnt mind a good fair duel IMO big grin

    Fair enough... but still what if you end up defeating the darkwraith? should the host then be obligated to crystal the phantom out?

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    Attention Lifehunters Empty Re: Attention Lifehunters

    Post by DarkW17 Fri Apr 27, 2012 3:02 pm

    When you win a fight the host will keep summoning more WHT's for you until you lose and if you loose the host will def BC the WHT out or keep him around for the next participant to kill.

    The main goal is to prevent these guys from getting to there friends world to gank people....even if they BC themselves out I will just resummon the same guy over and over and over to piss him off and get in his head...mean while a darkwraith/DMB gets a 1v2 shot now instead of 1v3 ect.

    Also using a RSS is great if you 120's want I challenge I can summon you guys at 225 and summon higher lvl wht's for you guys as RSS goes up with no limit. I just want people to put RSS toward the left along the wall and up the hill so they are off the main floor were gankers will grab them!!

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    Attention Lifehunters Empty Re: Attention Lifehunters

    Post by Jovias-86 Sat Apr 28, 2012 4:19 am

    Who knows may b we might even inspire these gankers for duels, fair pvp sort of...
    They might win 1 or 2 fights and say, "Man this is actually more fun"

    So, that would be a greater achievement!

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    Attention Lifehunters Empty Re: Attention Lifehunters

    Post by DarkW17 Sat Apr 28, 2012 4:38 am

    Lol exactly that's the bigger picture man that's what I am trying to do not just teach them a lesson but educate them also! I do this all the time with friends and well get just as many coming back looking for a challenge as we do BCing out like cowards!

    I am hosting at 225 with my friend as we speak and its going really well....I have had the expected BCers and lots of repeats that bow and have a fun duel!

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    Attention Lifehunters Empty Re: Attention Lifehunters

    Post by WyrmHero Sat Apr 28, 2012 4:58 pm

    Ok guys I'm at Kiln right now, if anyone want to join us please join the chat.

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