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    Want help moving s few tiems between two of my games


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    Want help moving s few tiems between two of my games Empty Want help moving s few tiems between two of my games

    Post by witchskirt Sat Apr 28, 2012 8:29 am

    Hi, I have a game where I am at level 406 and another game at 63, is there someone would help me move some items between the two games?, a few boss souls and some chunks/slabs . I would like to have items moved to my 406 level game, let me know what you would want for trade, want to move items to my 406 level game,thanks.
    psn, myladysara

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    Want help moving s few tiems between two of my games Empty Re: Want help moving s few tiems between two of my games

    Post by Eolan Sat Apr 28, 2012 8:48 am

    I think anyone able to collect items from your 406 wont be able to connect to your 63. You'd have to daisy chain trade all the way down till your within SL of the 63. Which my guess would be 4 or 5 margins down. Meaning you need 4 or 5 trust worthy players.

    This wont happen, and please i beg you dont use the bb glitch, its too soft a method of having low Sl high gear. That used to require allot of skill as you'd need to get the items by finishing the game at low level meaning if you came across a Sl 10 with a chaos furysword you new this guy broke dark souls and will break you. Now its just endless waves of shield tanks with no skill but ridiculous gear. THAT'S NOT WHAT THE SYSTEM WANTED!!!
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    Want help moving s few tiems between two of my games Empty Re: Want help moving s few tiems between two of my games

    Post by DoughGuy Sat Apr 28, 2012 9:12 am

    Actually if he found a really low level pvp spot he could get a SL 63 DW to invade his 406 then he could trade from there.

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    Want help moving s few tiems between two of my games Empty Re: Want help moving s few tiems between two of my games

    Post by Eolan Sat Apr 28, 2012 9:45 am

    Oh really? Is invasion not margin capped for sl?!!!!
    Thats amazing, i thought it was dark moon blade that could invade any level.

    Either way though its a few stages of work and organisation. Better off just getting a new slab from asylum demon, Considering in all likely hood you'll be murdered and thiefed happy

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    Want help moving s few tiems between two of my games Empty Re: Want help moving s few tiems between two of my games

    Post by sinisterapathy Sat Apr 28, 2012 9:51 am

    witchskirt wrote:Hi, I have a game where I am at level 406 and another game at 63, is there someone would help me move some items between the two games?, a few boss souls and some chunks/slabs . I would like to have items moved to my 406 level game, let me know what you would want for trade, want to move items to my 406 level game,thanks.
    psn, myladysara

    I can help you. psn is same a forum name.

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