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    Dust 514- Official Thread (Release Date Pending)


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    Dust 514- Official Thread (Release Date Pending) Empty Dust 514- Official Thread (Release Date Pending)

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Mon Apr 30, 2012 8:15 am

    Dust 514- A Sci-Fi Shooter linked directly to the MMORPG EVE wherein the players fight the ground wars that EVE doesnt show and can influence the course of EVE combats and invasions. Each player group plays for Corporations which have thier own territories and zones of influence.

    See the trailer-

    See some of the Cinematics/story/ lore-

    See Source of my Information-

    From what I have read on IGN I am led to believe the following things are confirmed about Dust 514-

    -Links to EVE directly, players can ask for orbital support during missions, are payed by EVE players to achieve certain objectives.

    -Supports the huge player driven Economy, similar to EVE.

    - Dying/losing a player character loses all the gear assigned to that character, ie better not die.

    - You fight the ground wars and can influnece how EVE plays achieve thier grand designs

    - You can affect how Corporations gain and hold territories.

    -Multiplayer cap sits at 24v24 at the momment but could rise.

    -The game is free to play despite EVE having subsciption fees.

    - Costs the same as most PS3 Games. Confirmed by myself as 129.99 NZD today at EB Games.

    This whole thing looks bloody awesome. Discuss your opinions of the game here. I'll update with more information as I find it.
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    Dust 514- Official Thread (Release Date Pending) Empty Re: Dust 514- Official Thread (Release Date Pending)

    Post by DoughGuy Mon Apr 30, 2012 8:23 am

    Wow thats even more expensive than Aus prices. I feel sorry for you guys.
    Losing your gear when you die seems excessive. At least half the players will die every game unless they have a unconcious thing and to die takes something extra.

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