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    Idea for build...


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    Idea for build... Empty Idea for build...

    Post by ewithrow22 Wed May 02, 2012 4:25 am

    So someone has probably thrown this idea out there. But basically I'm making a build based around either a chaos or lightning washing pole. I have my strength at 20. Dex at 16. I plan on pumping the rest into vit and end. And possibly throwing some points into attune and faith. How does this sound?Or is there another non scaling weapon that would be better?

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    Idea for build... Empty Re: Idea for build...

    Post by mugenis4real Wed May 02, 2012 4:57 am

    Nah your idea is fine, just be sure to pump up your End enough so that you can wear high poise gear and still ninjas flip. I also suggest the use of Grass Crest Shield for the stamina regeneration and Mask of the Mother for that huge Vit boost it gives. Good luck happy

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    Idea for build... Empty Re: Idea for build...

    Post by Quarik Wed May 02, 2012 5:24 am

    It's a very common build, but as long as you don't add TWoP or 15 stacks of WoG you're fine.
    Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden

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    Idea for build... Empty Re: Idea for build...

    Post by RANT Wed May 02, 2012 10:19 am

    it a vit/end build which are the easiest builds in the game and a lot of people hate them(including me) theyre actually good against gangbangers because they use them and theyre hard to kill because they have over 2k of hp. dont waste any points in faith, just heal with humanity and make sure you equip the dwgr and full giants/havel and youre good to go.

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