First of all, The Covenant itself only seems to give you access to Lost Izalith Via a Shortcut, 2 chaos pyromancies, and thats it. I believe, however, that there is more, just like I believe with every covenant.
Here are my primary tests.
Old Witch's Ring: Testing for damage changes with rank via the different pyromancies. There is rumor that it can change damage and maybe even make it stronger.
Conclusion: No effect. None of the fire damage from anything increased, toxic and poison did no extra damage, no time or stat increase to buff spells, and egghead did nothing extra damage-wise.
Chaos Pyromancies: Though tested before, I like to just check again. Planning to test with different humanity levels, and with different covenant ranks
Conclusion: Covenant ranking has no effect on damage or lava size, however, I noticed an increase in the chance of having a large lava glob over a small lava glob the more humanity I had. It was never a permanant change, but it happened more often the more humanity I had.
The Egg Head: The elusive egg head is well connected to this covenant. As such, my plans are to test it for damage changes, infection chances, and possibly a third stage.
The Secret of Izalith: Someone once said that there was a wall you could only break with a maxed out weapon. While I've done what most have and smacked almost every wall visible in game, I haven't thought of the fact that maybe it require a covenant, and I know a couple spots in Izalith that could use a good whacking once I'm maxed out in the only covenant to open a Shortcut. I will also test this in other places in game.
Saving the Fair Lady: It seems as though the fair lady gains strength the more Humanity you give her, so I plan to see just how much it takes. Dear lord the leaderboard better be ready for me.
If you guys have any other ideas for testing, let me know, I'm open to suggestion.
Last edited by ChaosServantSpectre on Wed May 16, 2012 8:01 pm; edited 1 time in total