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    Parrying soul bonus.


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    Parrying soul bonus. Empty Parrying soul bonus.

    Post by Chronicar Fri May 11, 2012 11:31 am

    I have been running around in Anor Londo fighting silver knights while waiting to be summoned and I noticed something yesterday that I thought was strange. I have been using a MSGS and my equip load was over 50% so it made it difficult to backstab the silver knights so I decided to start parrying instead. I killed about 10-15 knights before I noticed they were giving me 1200 souls so I killed one regular to confirm that they give 1000. I then tried a backstab and it netted me 1000 souls as well. I decided it was a parry bonus of 20% because it stacked with my Symbol of Avarice. I switched to a Flamberg and was only getting 1000 souls for a parry. So not sure what is going on here.

    TL;DR Getting 1200 souls for a parry kill on silver knight with MSGS and only 1000 with a parry kill with Flamberg. Haven't tested other weapons. Both weapons OHKO and upgraded to +14.

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    Parrying soul bonus. Empty Re: Parrying soul bonus.

    Post by Wade_Wilson Fri May 11, 2012 11:33 am

    Doing 150% damage against an enemy in one hit gains you a 20% bonus to souls. Try smack around some hollows with your sword, you'll see that they now give 24 souls instead of 20.

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    Parrying soul bonus. Empty Re: Parrying soul bonus.

    Post by Chronicar Fri May 11, 2012 11:34 am

    Appreciate it.
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    Parrying soul bonus. Empty Re: Parrying soul bonus.

    Post by skarekrow13 Fri May 11, 2012 11:51 am

    I like how there's a reward for not just killing an enemy but really pimp slapping the hell out of them.

    Apparently this post revived me as well. Yay!

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    Parrying soul bonus. Empty Re: Parrying soul bonus.

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