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    Help me choose a game! :D


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    Help me choose a game! :D Empty Help me choose a game! :D

    Post by Azran Sat May 12, 2012 1:46 am

    Hello everybody. I'm kind of undecided in regard to what game should I buy now that I finished Dark Souls twice, as to take a small break from the game. I trust in your judgement, so I'd be thankful if any of you could lend me a hand. Just state why did you pick what you picked!

    The possible choices are:
    *Dragon's Dogma (played the demo; I enjoy the job system idea, but seems grindy and afflicted by the MMO curse of TANK-DPS-HEALER; also, most attacks do low amounts of damage in general - fake difficulty?)

    *Demon's Souls (Never played it; but I fear that after playing DkS, it will be feel like - more of the same -, even if I enjoy the dungeon crawling style.)

    *Diablo 3. (Hey, it's Blizzard. It's dungeon crawl at it's finest. But the class based gameplay has me worried. Plus, the server in SC2 always generated stuttering everytime I played)

    Last edited by Azran on Sat May 12, 2012 2:53 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Help me choose a game! :D Empty Re: Help me choose a game! :D

    Post by sinisterapathy Sat May 12, 2012 2:45 am

    Skyrim is awesome fyi. If you dont like TES then its not for you. I love it.

    Diablo 3 if you want diablo 2(or 1) with a differnent story then buy this. Not bad mind you...just more of the the same.(i played beta)

    Dragons Dogma Well you played the demo so you have an idea of what your in for...i also played it and MAY pick it up when its cheaper.

    Demons Souls If you like dark you will like this. Its similar though it has a different flavor. Great game. Based on your (content between these) i recommend this.(plus she is cheaper than the others!)

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    Help me choose a game! :D Empty Re: Help me choose a game! :D

    Post by Azran Sat May 12, 2012 2:53 am

    Yes, Skyrim IS awesome. Rented it and played the heck out of it (55hs, I think.) It's just not my cup of tea, even less on PS3. Melee, freeze, bugs, etc. But I gotta say archery is done reaally well.

    I feared that Diablo 3 would be more of the same. sad

    Yeah. Shame the difference of price between Demon's Souls and, say, Dragon's Dogma here will be of... like 10 dollars. Sucks to be me. silly

    Thanks for your input!

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    Help me choose a game! :D Empty Re: Help me choose a game! :D

    Post by sinisterapathy Sat May 12, 2012 2:58 am

    ...10 dollars?...where you live...

    In U.S. Demons is $20(in chain store) new and Dragons will be $60..

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    Help me choose a game! :D Empty Re: Help me choose a game! :D

    Post by Azran Sat May 12, 2012 3:02 am

    Argentina. Each dollar would be equivalent to four pesos (local currency).
    Plus, there are CRAZY taxes on imports. So you can expect to buy a new game like Skyrim at the equivalent of U$S115.

    By the way. Your arguments kind of convinced me. Demon's Souls may be more of the same, but it's the same kind of good!

    EDIT: Saw some Demon's Souls gameplay videos. Are load times that slow? :/

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    Help me choose a game! :D Empty Re: Help me choose a game! :D

    Post by sinisterapathy Sat May 12, 2012 3:16 am

    Smart man! Its a Great game imo. Also like i said it has a different flavor so it wont feel exacly the same. Though you may want to import EU version as i believe their servers are gonna stay up longer(you will want to check this for yourself) Not to spoil anything for you but there is a boss which involves pvp...

    And dont feel bad Australia pays about $120 for new games...and they cant get alot of mature games...if they do its cut all to hell. im thinking about putting in demons now...

    edit: i dont ima play some and ill come back and let you know

    Though it has nexus as opposed to "open world" when you go to a world you will spend a good bit of time there. im pretty sure that once you are there it doesnt load agin till you leave and i dont remember the load times being too bad.

    load times are about the same as Dark...i didnt notice much anyways...also combat is much faster i just died...i think i was in NG+ though...ima start a new one servers go down end of month.

    Last edited by sinisterapathy on Sat May 12, 2012 3:34 am; edited 1 time in total
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    Help me choose a game! :D Empty Re: Help me choose a game! :D

    Post by Serious_Much Sat May 12, 2012 3:34 am

    Demons will be cheap as chips, and it's good for a long game like Dark is

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    Help me choose a game! :D Empty Re: Help me choose a game! :D

    Post by Azran Sat May 12, 2012 3:43 am

    I just hope the lack of concepts introduced in Dark Souls doesn't screw me over. silly

    Yeah, I'm not a person who dislikes spoilers personally. Even though having +300ms in PvP isn't exactly my cup of tea, being in the EU servers would at least let me see messages written by other players.
    Or bloodstains...

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    Help me choose a game! :D Empty Re: Help me choose a game! :D

    Post by nsane32 Sat May 12, 2012 3:48 am

    I would like to recommend a few older games Dead space 2 Fallout 3 Darksiders

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    Help me choose a game! :D Empty Re: Help me choose a game! :D

    Post by SlakeMoth Sat May 12, 2012 6:35 pm

    I agree, Fallout 3 is a great game if you feel like shooting something for a change instead of hacking or spelling enemies to death but if you feel like playing something really off the wall I reccommend Deadly Premonition. I guarantee you will never have played a game like it. One of my favourites.

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    Help me choose a game! :D Empty Re: Help me choose a game! :D

    Post by Quarik Sat May 12, 2012 6:51 pm

    Portal, Portal 2, Shadow of the Colossus, Halo, Minecraft, Terraria, Magicka, Just Cause 2, Battlefield 3, Borderlands, Realm of the Mad God, Nitronic Rush, Tribes: Ascend, Bastion, Sanctum.

    Portal and P2 are great puzzlers with equally great humor. SoTC has some of the best boss fights ever, and is one of the most immersive games I've ever played. Halo is Halo, has an interesting story if you're willing to do a bit of digging (no pun). Minecraft is a great sandbox, and the mods really open it up for craziness. Terraria is basically 2d Minecraft but with a lot more stuff. Magicka is a great coop adventure, but bring friends that aren't going to instagib you. JC2 is another great sandbox. BF3 is just a solid shooter. Borderlands is ARPG meets FPS, and it's a lot of fun, if repetitive. RotMG is... a coop mmorpg bullet hell fantasy shooter. Go watch some gameplay. Nitronic Rush is a great racing game with a Tron-esque aesthetic and pretty nice music. Tribes is, well... Tribes. Go watch some gameplay. Bastion is a fantastic hack and slash RPG with a good story, great music, and the best narration ever. Sanctum is a FPS Tower Defense that's a lot of fun with friends.

    Out of all of those, the best are Portal 1 and 2, Shadow of the Colossus, Bastion, Minecraft, Terraria, and Nitronic Rush.

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    Help me choose a game! :D Empty Re: Help me choose a game! :D

    Post by Azran Sat May 12, 2012 7:46 pm

    Yeah, Portal and SotC are awesomely awesome. Got the later.
    After trying New Vegas, I'm not sure if the Fallout franchise is my cup of tea (though Tactics certainly interested me.)

    Anyway, I'm going with Demon's Souls it seems. Thanks for all the suggestions! I'll keep them in mind.

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