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    is there anyone playing Warriors Orochi 3? (XBOX)


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    is there anyone playing Warriors Orochi 3? (XBOX) Empty is there anyone playing Warriors Orochi 3? (XBOX)

    Post by Kaminari Sat May 12, 2012 7:17 pm

    As the title says, is there anyone here playing this hack and slash game?happy
    I useally don't like those games but the samurai warrior series is something I acctually like, so, just wondering if someone is playing this since you can do multiplayer co-op on it happy

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    is there anyone playing Warriors Orochi 3? (XBOX) Empty Re: is there anyone playing Warriors Orochi 3? (XBOX)

    Post by Uparkaam Sat May 12, 2012 7:26 pm

    I haven't really played any of the newer ones. But I played the heck out of DW5 back on PS2. Good times, good times...
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    is there anyone playing Warriors Orochi 3? (XBOX) Empty Re: is there anyone playing Warriors Orochi 3? (XBOX)

    Post by PlasticandRage Sun May 13, 2012 2:30 pm

    I loved the Dynasty Warriors games. I was actually thinking about picking this up. Haven't played any of these games since they started including online co-op. I know the split screen co-op was a blast though.

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    is there anyone playing Warriors Orochi 3? (XBOX) Empty Re: is there anyone playing Warriors Orochi 3? (XBOX)

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