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    Element defense??


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    Element defense?? Empty Element defense??

    Post by heretic_86 Sat May 12, 2012 10:31 pm

    hey all, wondering if there is any point sending armour down an upgrade path such as fire/divine/lightning etc, does it increase defence against that particular element?? or should i just go the standard +10 route?? also, is +10 as high as the elite set will go or will the very large ember take it further?

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    Element defense?? Empty Re: Element defense??

    Post by sen545331 Sat May 12, 2012 10:41 pm

    you don't need embers for the armor upgrades, and you can't upgrade them down alternate paths

    only "armor" that can is a shield

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    Element defense?? Empty Re: Element defense??

    Post by FruitPunchNinja Sat May 12, 2012 10:43 pm

    you can make a shield elemental but i advise against it unless it has a bash attack. armor cant be made to protect against certain elements but you can use armor that has better defense for certain elements. and yes normal armor like the elite only goes to 10(be careful slabs are rare) and special armor that takes twinkling tinite goes to +5. some armor doesnt get upgraded and is found fully upgraded(gold hemmed,havels,smoughs)

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