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    Odd experience with solaire

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    Odd experience with solaire Empty Odd experience with solaire

    Post by FinPeku Mon May 14, 2012 12:16 pm

    I've had some weird stuff going on with solaire. For the whole playthrough, he's been at wrong places at the wrong time. For example, he was not in anor londo interior bonfire when i arrived there, i couldn't find him at sunlight altar and he's summoning sign was not at demon ruins when i fought demon centipede. I thought it was a glitch and that he would be at the chaos bugs gone hollow. But he was not there either. Well, I killed the lord bosses and opened the way to kiln to see if his sign would be there but it wasn't.

    At that time I helped my friend with bed of chaos and decided to kill the crystal lizard and titanite demon back there. After I killed crystal lizard I saw solaire sitting back there. He was not hollow and he was sad for not finding the sun etc. After that i went to kiln again and now his sign is there.

    So, either this was just some kind of bug, or there is a way to save him without opening the shortcut. Has anyone else had experience like this? I tried to search a topic like this but couldn't find.

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    Odd experience with solaire Empty Re: Odd experience with solaire

    Post by Shkar Mon May 14, 2012 8:26 pm

    If you don't talk to him somwhere, his progression stops until you go and talk to him. If you don't talk to him at Anor Londo, you won't be able to summon him for S&O or Centipede, but he won't be insane with teh bugs either (you could open the door from the inside and save him!)

    What caused him to update for you, however, is strange.

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    Odd experience with solaire Empty Re: Odd experience with solaire

    Post by Lauu Mon May 14, 2012 10:31 pm

    I assume it was just an in-game error that occured, it happens.

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    Odd experience with solaire Empty Re: Odd experience with solaire

    Post by Imarreteet23 Mon May 14, 2012 10:56 pm

    Solaire does all sorts of crazy shenanigans. One time, I went to his original spot in the Burg, and he simply wasn't there. I miss him. sad

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    Odd experience with solaire Empty Re: Odd experience with solaire

    Post by Quarik Mon May 14, 2012 11:13 pm

    OP- Exact same thing happened to me. Not sure what's up with that, but help for Gwyn is always appreciated.
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    Odd experience with solaire Empty Re: Odd experience with solaire

    Post by FinPeku Mon May 14, 2012 11:18 pm

    Imarreteet23 wrote:One time, I went to his original spot in the Burg, and he simply wasn't there. I miss him.
    But I guess he's just too awesome to be mad at. And that's why I'll forgive him for pulling this prank on me winking

    Quarik wrote:OP- Exact same thing happened to me. Not sure what's up with that, but help for Gwyn is always appreciated.
    That's true. I have never used the shortcut to save him and that's why I was pretty confused.

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