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    Fire Keeper and Lautrec


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    Join date : 2012-05-20

    Fire Keeper and Lautrec Empty Fire Keeper and Lautrec

    Post by Broxxy Sun May 20, 2012 1:46 am

    Could the fire keeper in Firelink shrine, Lautrec, Gynevere, Gywndolin, and the pendant all be related some how? Here me out, The pendant is most theorized to be linked to Anor Lando and the Gywn family. Lautrec is out to kill fire keepers, Gynevere is never in Anor Lando with in game text stated she left the city. Gywndolin creates her apparation to put players on a the path to rekindle the flame . So with all that could it be and this is jus my theory...Lautrec is on his mission to kill the fire keeper in the shrine because it might actually be Gynevere. And his mission is given to him by Gywndolin ? he does state " I have business up above " ( Anor Lando) and thats where you eventually invade his world . I dont half baked theory...toss in the pendant in there somewhere too. Maybe Acid can run with this
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    Join date : 2012-02-29
    Age : 30
    Location : The Bakery of Souls, Sydney

    Fire Keeper and Lautrec Empty Re: Fire Keeper and Lautrec

    Post by DoughGuy Sun May 20, 2012 1:50 am

    Welcome to the archives. Lautrec is from Carim which is where Gwynevere fled to so he likely knows her location. He also appears to be waiting for DMs so he kill them hinting he is not on Gwyndolin's side.

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