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    I know we're all for honor here but...


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    I know we're all for honor here but... Empty I know we're all for honor here but...

    Post by jjshowal Tue May 22, 2012 4:10 pm

    I'm all for being polite, bowing and whatever as I know a lot of you are too in PvP, but this dude brings up some hilarious arguments. After all, it's a video game.

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    I know we're all for honor here but... Empty Re: I know we're all for honor here but...

    Post by Noob-of-Artorias Tue May 22, 2012 4:32 pm

    I'm sorry, but I've seen this guy before and he's a total d-bag, attacking people while they're bowing, hornet ring backstabbing...

    I wouldn't look to this guy for sagely advice.

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    I know we're all for honor here but... Empty Re: I know we're all for honor here but...

    Post by jjshowal Tue May 22, 2012 4:38 pm

    not looking for sagely advice, but he makes some pretty valid points. you shouldn't expect other people to abide by the same rules unless it's an organized atmosphere, because that's not what the intent of the developers had in mind.
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    I know we're all for honor here but... Empty Re: I know we're all for honor here but...

    Post by Forum Pirate Tue May 22, 2012 4:52 pm

    of course you shouldn't, that doesn't mean I shouldn't bow either though. Its their right to attack me while I bow but I will continue to bow to randoms as a sign of respect. If they attack me I write down the psnid and rephrain from displaying such respect again as they have shown that its not mutual.

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    I know we're all for honor here but... Empty Re: I know we're all for honor here but...

    Post by exandroide Tue May 22, 2012 4:54 pm

    well, he's got some mad parry skillz, you hafta admit. and sometimes invading like a jerk is fun.

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    I know we're all for honor here but... Empty Re: I know we're all for honor here but...

    Post by RNsunbro Tue May 22, 2012 5:16 pm

    Dude is really not that funny.

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    I know we're all for honor here but... Empty Re: I know we're all for honor here but...

    Post by WarriorOfSunlight Tue May 22, 2012 5:54 pm

    I agree with him. But this won't get much support here, in honour central. I'm surprised the PvP brigade hasn't come down on this like a tonne of bricks yet.
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    I know we're all for honor here but... Empty Re: I know we're all for honor here but...

    Post by Carphil Tue May 22, 2012 5:58 pm

    why the "bow" gesture exists?

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    I know we're all for honor here but... Empty Re: I know we're all for honor here but...

    Post by Dubscythe Tue May 22, 2012 5:59 pm

    Yeah, I couldn't care less about this guy's opinion after seeing some of his videos. He's a grade-A jerkoff and is only downplaying honor in Dark Souls to justify his douchebaggery.

    Pardon my french, I hate that guy.
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    I know we're all for honor here but... Empty Re: I know we're all for honor here but...

    Post by Rynn Tue May 22, 2012 5:59 pm

    I posted a five part comment over there, but I'll repeat it over here for your viewing pleasure. I like his viewpoint actually, I wanted to give him a full review ^-^

    Let's see... I'm on of those people that understand the "honor" folks, even if I'll play dirty myself whenever neccesary. I try to give them their fight since they want some fun too, but whatever...
    That first fight was a gank, it doesn't involve honor and you didn't have to bow or do anything
    silly like that. Even honor people go for backstabs then, or they are very stupid XD.
    The next 5 or so minutes you rant about "it's a game", which I find to be a flawed argument, as [continued]

    Football is a game, Soccer is a game, and a videogame is a... game? Well all of them have ettiquette and manners that are appreciated and respected by most people attempting to play that game. A videogame is no different, and so it's community of -real people- from the -real world- will try to form a list of rules generally agree'd upon. Feel free to backstab whatever CPU you want, they aren't real people with feelings... [continued]

    "The first thing you should do is STOP, and see if your op is an honor dude"
    I totally agree with this line of course. As an "Honor gal" or whatever, I make sure my op is playing by my rules before I get mad at them. If they aren't playing by my rules, I don't get -mad- at them, I just play by their rules, and I'll have my honor PvP versus a dif fighter. I might send them a message later and see if they are willing to try the honor standard, but I won't force them, or get mad at them. [Cont]

    I have one expectation you might understand with the above (or below) statement. If my opponent -does- bow, and then proceeds to fight me by the honor standard. I will be a bit miffed if, upon discovering they will loose, they suddenly, without warning, stop being honorable mid-fight. That does get on my nerves, because if you have me under a logical belief you've agreed to the unspoken H. standard, then you're now being a jerk, rather then just playing differently. (If that makes sense...) Cont

    On buffs, I entirely agree. I don't follow this part of the honor standard. I attack as soon as the bowing is over on an honor fight. (I also send them a message warning them of this later)...
    Also you look like a pretty damn good player. I think most "honor guys" are gonna rip you a new one for it, but from what I can see, the only difference inbetween your opinion and mine, is I will follow the honor standard when my opponent does it first.
    See you on X-box live in the future.
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    I know we're all for honor here but... Empty Re: I know we're all for honor here but...

    Post by TehInfamousAmos Tue May 22, 2012 5:59 pm

    Nah - I believe there is no honour in a game, its a bloody game, just play it the way you get enjoyment out of...
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    I know we're all for honor here but... Empty Re: I know we're all for honor here but...

    Post by User Tue May 22, 2012 6:03 pm

    My evil eye, eye of death, silver serpent ring, and server require people to stay. Showing honor to those who show it, is the best bet to keep the feast.
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    I know we're all for honor here but... Empty Re: I know we're all for honor here but...

    Post by RANT Tue May 22, 2012 6:08 pm

    he's a d-bag like the other guy said, hes talking about beign honorable against gangbangers which you clearly are not supposed to do. what i realy hate about him is he is always whining about the dwgr when he always abuses lag to bs poeple.

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    I know we're all for honor here but... Empty Re: I know we're all for honor here but...

    Post by mugenis4real Tue May 22, 2012 6:21 pm

    He has some really good points bounce

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    I know we're all for honor here but... Empty Re: I know we're all for honor here but...

    Post by befowler Tue May 22, 2012 6:27 pm

    Let's please keep discussions centered on his viewpoints/arguments, and not him as a individual player. If it's not possible to separate the two, I suggest folks comment directly with him on youtube.
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    I know we're all for honor here but... Empty Re: I know we're all for honor here but...

    Post by TehInfamousAmos Tue May 22, 2012 6:31 pm

    I have talked to him on youtube via PM before - personally I agree with a few of his points and in a civil conversation he isn't a "Douchebag" he actually argues him points well, however if a case was made showing all of his negative qualities in comparison to members of the forum we likely would be as much of a douchebag as he is, every person has negative aspects about themselves. I know I sound like an asskisser however ****-talking the opposition is pointless, at least Rynn has actually made a civil comment - with constructive criticism whereas the majority are like "DERP! DERP! DOUCHEBAG! HERP!" No offence to you guys but it doesnt convey a valid argument - all I am saying is before you criticise someone build up a portfolio on your arguments against them.

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    I know we're all for honor here but... Empty Re: I know we're all for honor here but...

    Post by MsCherryBlossom Tue May 22, 2012 6:32 pm

    I loved his vid and agreed with it entirely, especially after seeing some of the comments here about it.

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    I know we're all for honor here but... Empty Re: I know we're all for honor here but...

    Post by Wade_Wilson Tue May 22, 2012 6:33 pm

    Isn't he just the best player ever.
    >Havels Gauntlets/leggings
    >Lightning Rapier
    >Hornet ring
    >Great combustion
    >Attacking bowing players

    He reeks of casual. Why doesn't he just go back to call of duty? His mindset is not suited for dark souls.

    EDIT: I just realized that he's in the kiln. The pvp/duel hotspot in the game. And he's complaining about "honor." I'm sorry, but nothing he says has any relevance anymore. You cannot take someone this close-minded seriously.

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    I know we're all for honor here but... Empty Re: I know we're all for honor here but...

    Post by Imarreteet23 Tue May 22, 2012 6:34 pm

    Funny. I had just recently watched these videos, and had been planning to make a thread about it. Weird...

    Anyways, he makes some valid points, I.E it is just a game, etc. But I find it hard to take seriously when one of his points were "These rules sound pretty g a y." Up until then, I was actually taking what he said into account. But regardless, these videos did change the way I looked at the "honor rules." I still heed them, but more cautiously.

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    I know we're all for honor here but... Empty Re: I know we're all for honor here but...

    Post by Joel_Boof Tue May 22, 2012 6:35 pm

    haha I like when people are so emotional over a game, I suppose this community would hate my playstyle on my sl10 darkwraith happy
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    I know we're all for honor here but... Empty Re: I know we're all for honor here but...

    Post by cloudyeki Tue May 22, 2012 6:36 pm

    The guy bothers me, because he really is making decent points. But he's also being an ***, and only looking from his perspective. When you pvp there is still a human-element, something that he seems to ignore completely.
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    I know we're all for honor here but... Empty Re: I know we're all for honor here but...

    Post by Rynn Tue May 22, 2012 6:36 pm

    Wade_Wilson wrote:Isn't he just the best player ever.
    >Havels Gauntlets/leggings
    >Lightning Rapier
    >Hornet ring
    >Great combustion
    >Attacking bowing players

    He reeks of casual. Why doesn't he just go back to call of duty? His mindset is not suited for dark souls.
    Actually watch his video and let him play. I learned something from it! He went up in that small corner up there where the kiln rises, forcing them to come fight him 1 V 1, and that pretty much negated the use of TWoP there, I'm definitely using that in the future. Also both him and a few other players on youtube are great at parries, and I'm getting a lot more of an understanding of how to parry those larger weapons from these things.

    His points were alright, and while I didn't agree with all the points, I found most of them viably agreeable. He seems pretty cool.
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    I know we're all for honor here but... Empty Re: I know we're all for honor here but...

    Post by TehInfamousAmos Tue May 22, 2012 6:37 pm

    Wade_Wilson wrote:Isn't he just the best player ever.
    >Havels Gauntlets/leggings
    >Lightning Rapier
    >Hornet ring
    >Great combustion
    >Attacking bowing players

    He reeks of casual. Why doesn't he just go back to call of duty? His mindset is not suited for dark souls.

    I'm not just picking on you here wade but this is a prime example of what you guys are doing - you could perhaps give him constructive criticism, it will perhaps help him get better, I have been hesitant on uploading videos incase I forget to bow or something during a duel and I end up getting whined at etc - anyway no offence but at least he is putting in the effort to upload videos, and why not watch a few of his other videos, imo they aren't particularly bad - he may use some cheap tactics but at least he doesnt wear a mask and think he's good. His cheap build is less cookie cutter than some of the forum members "Non-cheap" builds. Look Lock the thread please - it will just cause chaos between forum members.
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    I know we're all for honor here but... Empty Re: I know we're all for honor here but...

    Post by User Tue May 22, 2012 6:40 pm

    Well, I Sid not watch the video, but serious might have a definition for him out of 9 player morals.

    As for posting about him, listen to the mod. Do it on YouTube.

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    I know we're all for honor here but... Empty Re: I know we're all for honor here but...

    Post by Imarreteet23 Tue May 22, 2012 6:42 pm

    Oh yeah, and something I should add. I actually like his videos quite a bit. He is a monster at parrying, and he is very good. He probably just edits out the times he loses, but I think that those occurances are seldom. Whatever you think of him as a person, he is a very very good player.

    Edit: And I am an "honor dude," btw.

    Last edited by Imarreteet23 on Tue May 22, 2012 6:44 pm; edited 1 time in total

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