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Buggy Virus
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    Better simple solution to Gankers

    Buggy Virus
    Buggy Virus

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    Better simple solution to Gankers Empty Better simple solution to Gankers

    Post by Buggy Virus Sat May 26, 2012 9:06 pm

    Black Crystal out immediately.

    If everyone did this whenever they invaded gankers there wouldn't be a problem as ganking would just end up having no one to fight as they all leave.

    Of course they often camp the spawn, but once invaded dodge away, run a little bit and just BC out.

    If everyone did this every time intentionally hosting invaders to gank would end.

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    Better simple solution to Gankers Empty Re: Better simple solution to Gankers

    Post by MsCherryBlossom Sat May 26, 2012 9:10 pm

    I highly doubt it would end but it would allow you to have more fun doing your duel stuff without "others ruining your fun" or whatever jazz people say about gankers.
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    Better simple solution to Gankers Empty Re: Better simple solution to Gankers

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Sat May 26, 2012 9:12 pm

    This is exactly what I do now. I don't fight gankers anymore because I simply don't want to. It's a tactic. Doesn't stop me from getting loads of hate messages calling me "chicken," and other more unsavory things.

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    Better simple solution to Gankers Empty Re: Better simple solution to Gankers

    Post by Wisp Sat May 26, 2012 9:13 pm

    That's what I do. Not always possible, but it's a good idea.
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    Better simple solution to Gankers Empty Re: Better simple solution to Gankers

    Post by Carphil Sat May 26, 2012 9:14 pm

    Or better yet, make a chaos bandits knife and put hornets ring next to the ring you are using, when you spawn, if you see gankers, switch the equipment and go straight for the host.
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    Better simple solution to Gankers Empty Re: Better simple solution to Gankers

    Post by Tolvo Sat May 26, 2012 9:15 pm

    Either this or check out the For the Glory of Alvina thread haha.

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    Better simple solution to Gankers Empty Re: Better simple solution to Gankers

    Post by retro Sun May 27, 2012 5:06 pm

    Also, here's how to avoid getting jumped by gankers (using invasion items, doesn't apply to ring-based summons):

    Don't use your invasion item next to bonfires. Find different spawn locations.

    It's an easy fix!

    The most popular spawn locations are the ones that are closest to bonfires. This is because it's most convenient for Darkwraiths, who have to travel back to where they were to reclaim lost souls if they died during the invasion. People have caught on to these spawn locations and sometimes camp out by them.

    But people who wait by one spawn location probably have no idea where the rest in the level are, simply because they aren't used as much. Sen's Fortress and Blighttown have 7 in total, Anor Londo and TotG have 6, the Painted World has 4...

    Even if everyone familiarized themselves with all of the locations, that really only helps the invaders, because that's too many locations for a host to manage (with the exception of only a few areas, like Duke's, which only has two locations).

    One example:

    In The Painted World, invading by the bonfire spawns you at the end of the bridge at the beginning of the level. I've been jumped there on multiple occasions. And even if you don't get jumped outright, most people expect invaders to come from there, so it's likely you'll have people coming after you or waiting for you around the bonfire. It's the most popular place to invade from, but it's also easily the worst.

    Invading just a couple steps past the shortcut door in the courtyard will spawn you in front of the annex door on ground level, and invading anywhere in the tower will spawn you at the top of the tower by the red sign soapstone corpse. These are both a very short walk from the bonfire, so it's not even inconvenient if you have to travel back after failed invasions. I've done a lot of invasions from the tower now, and not only have I never been jumped, but it seems that the vast majority of players expect me to come from the bridge.

    I've been able to surprise players and I've had a much better rate of success in 3 on 1 fights than I've ever had otherwise, simply by putting a little more planning into where I spawn. happy
    Buggy Virus
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    Better simple solution to Gankers Empty Re: Better simple solution to Gankers

    Post by Buggy Virus Mon May 28, 2012 7:31 pm

    MsCherryBlossom wrote:I highly doubt it would end but it would allow you to have more fun doing your duel stuff without "others ruining your fun" or whatever jazz people say about gankers.

    If everyone made a concerted effort to do so then anyone who tried to gank would immediately go through a few invasions of people invading then immediately leaving and see its lost effectiveness.

    Too bad we couldn't get this much dedication.
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    Better simple solution to Gankers Empty Re: Better simple solution to Gankers

    Post by RANT Mon May 28, 2012 8:23 pm

    the thing is some people have acquired a taste for ganks but i myslef have alwasy bc out, most of them are a bunch of noobs not worth fighting anyway.
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    Better simple solution to Gankers Empty Re: Better simple solution to Gankers

    Post by User Mon May 28, 2012 8:24 pm

    If only we gave that option as a Gravelord. we get more than 3 bs 1 lol
    Tyler Durden
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    Better simple solution to Gankers Empty Re: Better simple solution to Gankers

    Post by RANT Mon May 28, 2012 8:32 pm

    Acidic_Cook wrote:If only we gave that option as a Gravelord. we get more than 3 bs 1 lol

    since i started GL'ing ive had more legit fights than hosting in the burg or kiln(which sucks and i hate btw), most people give me esod and give me a good fight and i enjoy the occasional 4/3 vs 1.
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    Better simple solution to Gankers Empty Re: Better simple solution to Gankers

    Post by User Mon May 28, 2012 8:35 pm

    It is fun... Until there are four blues with a red. With my tiny shield, it does not hold much potential in protection, eh. lol
    Tyler Durden
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    Better simple solution to Gankers Empty Re: Better simple solution to Gankers

    Post by RANT Mon May 28, 2012 8:43 pm

    Acidic_Cook wrote:It is fun... Until there are four blues with a red. With my tiny shield, it does not hold much potential in protection, eh. lol

    i know! i use the dark hand and as awesome as it is for parrying it kinda sucks as a shield but i never block anyway, always dodge and only when i have to.
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    Better simple solution to Gankers Empty Re: Better simple solution to Gankers

    Post by User Mon May 28, 2012 8:58 pm

    Heh, when there are five different weapons swinging, with three using soul spears, while others use either their Greatswords or spears... Stamina ain't gonna last long. I killed three blues and almost a red before I went. Brutal.
    Tyler Durden
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    Better simple solution to Gankers Empty Re: Better simple solution to Gankers

    Post by RANT Mon May 28, 2012 9:00 pm

    that happens to me all the time, most of the time iend und up dying to the last one or by a bs.
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    Better simple solution to Gankers Empty Re: Better simple solution to Gankers

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Mon May 28, 2012 9:01 pm

    I hate when there are 2 mage gankers, backing up a melee fighter.

    So cheap.
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    Better simple solution to Gankers Empty Re: Better simple solution to Gankers

    Post by billy_bayonet Mon May 28, 2012 9:35 pm

    i hate flasking!, it enrages me lol

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    Better simple solution to Gankers Empty Re: Better simple solution to Gankers

    Post by lextune Mon May 28, 2012 11:15 pm

    Llyods stops flasking....

    ....not to pat myself on the back or anything, but my ability to hit the host with a Llyods from almost anywhere is pretty impressive.

    Free aiming gets pretty easy after some practice.

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    Better simple solution to Gankers Empty Re: Better simple solution to Gankers

    Post by DamageCK Mon May 28, 2012 11:56 pm

    If I run into a string of gankers and I'm tired of trying BS them to death, I just wave and DC. Takes like ten seconds to sign in and load your save again. Problem solved.

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    Better simple solution to Gankers Empty Re: Better simple solution to Gankers

    Post by chaosrave Wed May 30, 2012 3:37 am

    seriously why do people want gankers to go away? gankers ganking stops them from gaining real experience and giving all the other players easy kills... welcome the gankers its because of them that we can own the **** out of people happy

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    Better simple solution to Gankers Empty Re: Better simple solution to Gankers

    Post by Anchises Wed May 30, 2012 4:30 am

    I'm usually too stubborn not to try and kill the ganking host, especially if I've invaded and won at least once. Sometimes I do BSC out if it's 3v1 because that's usually a waste of time, even if the experience is good.

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    Better simple solution to Gankers Empty Re: Better simple solution to Gankers

    Post by MsCherryBlossom Wed May 30, 2012 12:12 pm

    There's experienced players that gank on this game as well. So that statement has a tremendous flaw to it.

    I've already stated about how I feel about ganking in other threads, but the thing about flasking to me is like that one person said. Use a lloyds otherwise get used to it. (though a lloyds is very easy to avoid)

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