BoilerFan8472 wrote:because Sony is losing so much money they have to be developing something big. Lets just hope its not a 5D TV or something stupid
I hope they're making a new toaster.
BoilerFan8472 wrote:because Sony is losing so much money they have to be developing something big. Lets just hope its not a 5D TV or something stupid
Serious_Much wrote:RantFromRant wrote:Baldor Ostarv wrote:They need a price drop on the Vitas as well.
That would boost sales, if by a small margin.
i dont think the vita needs a price drop at all, imo the price is fair for what it is but it WOULD definately boost the sales. i dont get why people are not buying it more though.
because it's too expensive, hence why not many people buy it lol.
Uparkaam wrote:BoilerFan8472 wrote:because Sony is losing so much money they have to be developing something big. Lets just hope its not a 5D TV or something stupid
I hope they're making a new toaster.
BoilerFan8472 wrote:because Sony is losing so much money they have to be developing something big. Lets just hope its not a 5D TV or something stupid
Thank god... blighttown gave me such a hard time, especailly after i wandered into the great hollow and got cursed >.< i couldint get out for weeks!Uparkaam wrote:Well, PS4 would pack more "umph" so no more Blighttown framerates.
yeah did anyone notice how the 3ds's prices went down after like 2 months of its release?Federally wrote:Baldor Ostarv wrote:Why else would the 3DS sell so well?
It's not. Nintendo is in worse shape then Sony.
SpecOps0 wrote:How do people get cursed so fast? Ive personally never'd got cursed.
Baldor Ostarv wrote:Notice how stubborn Sony's being? Again.
It's the PS3 all over again. They don't learn.
Federally wrote:Baldor Ostarv wrote:Notice how stubborn Sony's being? Again.
It's the PS3 all over again. They don't learn.
I don't understand
Federally wrote:Baldor Ostarv wrote:Notice how stubborn Sony's being? Again.
It's the PS3 all over again. They don't learn.
I don't understand
Federally wrote:Well the Ps3 was a success, though a slow starter, so I think Sony will figure it out. I'm curious how the Vita fits with the Ps4, its a year out and the Vita has cross platform titles with the Ps3. Makes me think the Ps4 has to be backwards compatible with Ps3 and will continue this Vita support.
Man we are so off topic
not easy to think about what the next rpg will be about... actully its kind of impossible.SpecOps0 wrote:Federally wrote:Well the Ps3 was a success, though a slow starter, so I think Sony will figure it out. I'm curious how the Vita fits with the Ps4, its a year out and the Vita has cross platform titles with the Ps3. Makes me think the Ps4 has to be backwards compatible with Ps3 and will continue this Vita support.
Man we are so off topic
Yes indeed.
Though it is so obvious they would release another game for the new gen consoles... it's business. :shock:
Wilkinson3424 wrote:jesus i never knew ps3 was that expensive... sony you are retarded. no offense i love you....