I have broken the game...
The screen - I got tped while frozen to firelink in the same position I was in...
Notice the souls bar - completely black... Not even a 0 - this toon had 60 million souls on her... It is Jasons Forest hunter main, he will kill me if it has corrupted.
I was able to cast infinite CHSM CSS's and well anything after the 30,000th stone... you will notice the charge number on prism stones and the CHSM dissapearred
Finally note the hollow man phasing out of existence... I have officially broken the Dark Souls Laws of Physics and well... Everything about dark souls except for the music which is still playing... although it is cycling between all of the area tracks and the boss tracks.
Oh, I forgot to mention the fact that upon appearing frozen in firelink I was also hollow... It teleported me from me being frozen on the Hellkite drake bridge - fully filled with prism stones to firelink
Doughguy can back me up on this...
This is Natalia and her research on the destruction of Dark Souls