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    Xbox Cloud Storage corrupted and erased all my characters :(


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    Xbox Cloud Storage corrupted and erased all my characters :( Empty Xbox Cloud Storage corrupted and erased all my characters :(

    Post by najo10 Tue Jun 05, 2012 4:35 am

    Ok, so here is my situation. My wife and I have 2 x-boxes networked in the house. Our whole family plays Dark Souls (we have 2 kids). I had created 5 characters on the cloud services so I could play out ahead of my family members, then have them summon me into their world so we could play through the games together. At night I was playing on our main TV, and when I play with the kids or wife I let them have the nice system and play on the little TV and old xbox in the other room.

    I have other characters on the xbox in the living room. But I can't move those characters around and all of my recent work (with a better understanding of building characters and items) was on the cloud storage.

    Tonight after getting my sun brother on the cloud storage ready for playing with my wife and I got a error message from Dark Souls saying that the data was corrupted and it would try to save the file but all corrupted characters would be lost.

    When it finished, my cloud storage erased all my dark souls characters! 100s' of hours of work in grindig and playing with my wife and kids. I am pretty bummed out, not only from that losing all that work and those items I built but now I don't trust the cloud storage, but i need to be able to use it or something like it to continue easily playing wiht my family.

    Anyrate, please help me figure out some solutions. 1) I need a reliable way to back up and move dark soul characters between the 2 consules. 2) I need some suggestions on how to most quickly get those characters back in top shape and regain what I lost. I don't want to use jailbreak software. I would consider learning to bottomless box or if a BBer could help me out I am fine with that. I felt my heart sank when all of that work went away so quickly.

    I have contacted microsoft, and they said there was nothing they could do about recovering lost cloud files. Please help me if you can!

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    Xbox Cloud Storage corrupted and erased all my characters :( Empty Re: Xbox Cloud Storage corrupted and erased all my characters :(

    Post by nsane32 Thu Jun 07, 2012 12:13 am

    sorry to here about that I myself lost all character data and my xbox is broken for another week or so but when I get it back I could help you with various builds

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    Xbox Cloud Storage corrupted and erased all my characters :( Empty Re: Xbox Cloud Storage corrupted and erased all my characters :(

    Post by BoilerFan8472 Thu Jun 07, 2012 12:32 am

    This is a time where I say use the BB glitch

    Get a clean flashdrive and use that if the save files aren't locked on xbox

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    Xbox Cloud Storage corrupted and erased all my characters :( Empty Re: Xbox Cloud Storage corrupted and erased all my characters :(

    Post by najo10 Thu Jun 07, 2012 3:06 pm

    That's what I am going to do. Already got new characters on the flash drive and that seems to work well for moving the characters back and forth between xboxes. I am building up all the items I can now on one character and learning to do the glitch. Once I get enough items to rebuild with, I will keep a copy of the mule on the harddrive and the flash drive to rebuild from in case this ever happens again. Microsoft needs to provide back up of the cloud drive if they are going to do cloud services seriousily. I lost alot of work and I have always been a big microsoft supporter with my work systems, shame to see this lacking with the xbox sad

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    Xbox Cloud Storage corrupted and erased all my characters :( Empty Re: Xbox Cloud Storage corrupted and erased all my characters :(

    Post by nsane32 Thu Jun 07, 2012 3:24 pm

    I can help with jolly cooperation but not for a week or so just send me a Friend request GT:nsane32 but it will be siting there for a while because my xbox is broken sad

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    Xbox Cloud Storage corrupted and erased all my characters :( Empty Re: Xbox Cloud Storage corrupted and erased all my characters :(

    Post by GkMrBane Thu Jun 07, 2012 6:15 pm

    DO you need gear to work yourself back up to par?

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    Xbox Cloud Storage corrupted and erased all my characters :( Empty Re: Xbox Cloud Storage corrupted and erased all my characters :(

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