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    love for patches


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    love for patches Empty love for patches

    Post by BoilerFan8472 Tue Jun 05, 2012 8:55 pm

    I love patches in demon's. He is my favorite npc lol. Without him I wouldn't have cheap arrows lol.

    When mephistophles told me to kill him the first time i teared up a bit lol. Post your thoughts on patches and how amazing he is or how sucky he is

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    love for patches Empty Re: love for patches

    Post by Extertionist Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:13 pm

    I hate that d**k with burning passion. Every time I see him I suck him dry of humanity then slaughter that bald f**k.

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    love for patches Empty Re: love for patches

    Post by BoilerFan8472 Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:27 pm

    How could you do that to him. He's just trying to make a living. it's not like he puts in any real danger.

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    love for patches Empty Re: love for patches

    Post by FattyOfDoom Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:31 pm

    BoilerFan8472 wrote:How could you do that to him. He's just trying to make a living. it's not like he puts in any real danger.


    He kicked me into a pit of darkness that was filled with skeletons
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    Duke's Archivist

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    love for patches Empty Re: love for patches

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:39 pm

    I'm unique in that I'm neutral on Trusty Ol' Patches, he really doesn't bother, but I'm also not in love with him by any means.

    The only time he got to me, was on my first playthough when I picked a Cleric starting class, and he asked me if I was one, I answered truthfully and he became hostile.

    I thought it was incredibly rude to be shoved off a cliff and then attacked on site for doing nothing but hearing him talk about his "shinys," I felt an apology was warranted.

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    love for patches Empty Re: love for patches

    Post by BoilerFan8472 Tue Jun 05, 2012 10:32 pm

    He hates Clerics because they don't approve of his lifestyle. he's also a ladies man, he shoves you down there to save Rhea not kill you and loot you duh.

    why doesn't patches kill petrus in firelink?

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    love for patches Empty Re: love for patches

    Post by Wilkinson3424 Wed Jun 06, 2012 12:25 am

    ummmm, he uses his wits to kill people not his strength, and yes he kicked you from the ledge to loot you not to save rhea, he didin't kill you because he knew he would be F***ed if he tried
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    love for patches Empty Re: love for patches

    Post by Reaperfan Wed Jun 06, 2012 12:38 am

    Every time I see the guy, I think to myself "curse you for selling shards of archstone and easily accessible arrows! If it weren't for these then I would never let you back to the Nexus!"

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