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    I Need Some Information...

    Chosen Undead
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    I Need Some Information... Empty I Need Some Information...

    Post by User Mon Jan 30, 2012 6:14 pm

    This Information is for lore, but this is more gameplay than lore wise, and more people come here. So, as I am, I am looking for a few experiments with some Embers and Firekeeper Souls, among other things for my research on Dark Souls. However, I need to ask y'all some things before I try, as if someone has Already done such things, I would be wasting my time. I will not take it as the full truth, but some idea of others try such things would be less of a Hard Press for me. So, These are my Questions

    1) Have you held a Dark Ember when you went to the Gravelord Covenant Area (Not Boss Fight)?

    2) Have you held all embers in the game to the defeat of Gwyn? If yes, which ending did you choose?

    3) Did any of you hold the Embers while speaking to the Crossbreed?

    4) Have any of you Dropped the Coin in the Well, Cause I can't roll on the rim of that damn thing properly! If so, did you try the one in Undead Burg (Lower)

    5) Have any of you tried to Gravelord INSIDE the Kirn boss area (unlikely, but just like to know)?

    6) Have any of you Kept all 7 Firekeeper souls avaliable with you around (and not consumes, estused, or stored away in the box) for one whole playthrough (with all 7 firekeeper souls not duplicates from the same owner, rather individual)?

    7) Have any of you seen BPs in Darkroot Garden and basin? If so, what were they?

    8) Have any of y'all walked on the slippery-looking platform tunnel the Parasitic Bug that guards the Power Within is clinging on to? If so, how? (I saw enemies drop from behind the bug... like to see if I can see the whole thing)

    9) Have any of you found anything interesting about the Princess' Guard? Are the benefits of it I do not know? (I know the two miracle-clinged Specialties, and the Ability for them to see Summon Signs of the same Covenant more often)

    10) An obvious one at that, has anyone found any special usage to the pendant, other than the hints and clues it leaves on itself?

    I will be configuring more with things soon. I will like a responce soon. I will be looking to see if any of them do something, with help or not.

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    Post by ChizFreak Mon Jan 30, 2012 6:20 pm

    3) I talked to her holding the Dark/Occult ember. Nothing interesting.

    8 ) I really don't understand what platform are you talking about but there is a platform that you can drop on from the top of that place to get the whip.

    Anyway, I would like to give an idea for experiment: Try to avoid Nico and Vincent to go hollow. I thought that killing Patches in the catacombs, before they go the catacombs/ToG would make something, I haven't tested it myself, but some say that it doesn't affect the outcome of them.
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    Post by Serious_Much Mon Jan 30, 2012 6:24 pm

    8) you can go round the back of the bug and shoot at it from behind, that what you mean?

    there's nothing special there silly

    3) I've had enchanted and large magic embers as well as dark ember, no change.
    Chosen Undead
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    I Need Some Information... Empty Re: I Need Some Information...

    Post by User Mon Jan 30, 2012 6:25 pm

    The Platform I Speak about is what the Bug Demon Thing in Blighttown Clings on to. Behind it, or after you kill it, a stony path leads to the same hole tunnel where you CAN get the whip... but I can never see the bottom the the shafts, and never seen any one jump down to where the parasite would be. It is the hole the Bug Demon parasite... Thing, covers.

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    I Need Some Information... Empty Re: I Need Some Information...

    Post by meridam99 Mon Jan 30, 2012 6:35 pm

    Moving thread to "The Archives"

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    I Need Some Information... Empty Re: I Need Some Information...

    Post by glyphblade Mon Jan 30, 2012 9:09 pm

    I have taken/ had in my inventory all 7 fire keeper souls from the start of a new game+ right through to the end of that playthrough to the next new game+.. leaving all fire keeper souls found in the game unlooted, or still in pre looted format and saw no change to the game or story..

    I have killed Patches in the catacombs at the bridge switch, progressed the game, went to the Tomb of Giants and Niko and Vince were still hollow, Reah was still in the hole.. the dialogue of her talking about Patches is removed, she skips right to beware of 2 hollows down here..

    You cannot gravelord infect in boss rooms, nor place your signs in those area's.. for the Kiln fight versus Gwyn.. but it could always be worth trying to drop the sign / use the eye of death before goin into fight Gwyn..

    As far as dropping coins, all you end up doing it dropping a loot bag.. and it should never drop in a place that it would fall off the map or anything like that.. the best way to test this is to go to the cliff near firelink and try to drop loot off the edge of the cliff.... I do not think it would work, as in the loot bag would either hover on the edge of the cliff.. or be forced back to the cliff ledge by your character dropping it.. as all items dropped are dropped between your legs....

    Prism stones however are dropped / thrown ahead of your character and often bug by catching on the side of walls or area's that while they don't break and scream.. lead to death by virtue of assuming it is safe..

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    Post by ChizFreak Mon Jan 30, 2012 11:18 pm

    glyphblade wrote:I have taken/ had in my inventory all 7 fire keeper souls from the start of a new game+ right through to the end of that playthrough to the next new game+.. leaving all fire keeper souls found in the game unlooted, or still in pre looted format and saw no change to the game or story..

    I have killed Patches in the catacombs at the bridge switch, progressed the game, went to the Tomb of Giants and Niko and Vince were still hollow, Reah was still in the hole.. the dialogue of her talking about Patches is removed, she skips right to beware of 2 hollows down here..

    You cannot gravelord infect in boss rooms, nor place your signs in those area's.. for the Kiln fight versus Gwyn.. but it could always be worth trying to drop the sign / use the eye of death before goin into fight Gwyn..

    As far as dropping coins, all you end up doing it dropping a loot bag.. and it should never drop in a place that it would fall off the map or anything like that.. the best way to test this is to go to the cliff near firelink and try to drop loot off the edge of the cliff.... I do not think it would work, as in the loot bag would either hover on the edge of the cliff.. or be forced back to the cliff ledge by your character dropping it.. as all items dropped are dropped between your legs....

    Prism stones however are dropped / thrown ahead of your character and often bug by catching on the side of walls or area's that while they don't break and scream.. lead to death by virtue of assuming it is safe..

    ZOMFG! glyphblade is back! Where have you been all this time?
    Chosen Undead
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    I Need Some Information... Empty Re: I Need Some Information...

    Post by User Mon Jan 30, 2012 11:53 pm

    Thank you for the Info. I will be more after the Embers than the Firekeeper souls with this info. If their IS something special about the Embers, their has to be more to it than weapon upgrades, if the Prologues mention it so

    "Only Embers Remain..."

    Anyhow, this info was nice for you to send. I will work with all 7 FK Souls, but it will not be my top priority. I just need to see if some things can be, or have been tried before. As for the drop bag, I forgot about that. The presistant rolls to the rim of the Well was an annoyance anyways. However it does not mean that it is not important. Still, more to search for Lore.

    Welcome back Blade, many thought you would not come back. Glad that they were wrong. Welcome back.

    Last edited by Acidic_Cook on Mon Jan 30, 2012 11:56 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : This damn iPod is a piece of shit, that's why)
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    I Need Some Information... Empty Re: I Need Some Information...

    Post by sparkly-twinkly-lizard Tue Jan 31, 2012 1:00 am

    i've tried dropping things down the well but they always stick to the side...
    Chosen Undead
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    I Need Some Information... Empty Re: I Need Some Information...

    Post by User Wed Feb 01, 2012 12:39 pm

    Almost got all embers, as well as Dragon Skin (useful, heavy damage resistance and fist damage). I have also found out how to reach behind the Parasitic Bug. Nothing special has been found behind it. I shall keep trying
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    Post by ublug Wed Feb 01, 2012 1:35 pm

    Not sure if this is what you asked, but the shaft behind the parasite bug is the same shaft that ends up behind the swamp bonfire, you can see the chest that contains the dragonscale below if you look down.

    Black Phantoms in darkroot garden are stone giants in butterfly area, and mushrooms in sif area, I have no idea if anything shows up in the basin by the hydra.
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    I Need Some Information... Empty Re: I Need Some Information...

    Post by User Fri Feb 03, 2012 11:48 pm

    Well, thank you all for the Info you have brought. After some delaying, I got the time to finish the game with all Embers at hand. Nothing has happened. However, I did plan on trying NG+ again with this playthrough, with the Embers equiped AND the Bonfires all upgraded. If not, the I shall Obtain All 7 Firekeeper Souls with it. Then If neither three work, I shall try the 'dark ending', although I doubt it would be the logical choice for that.

    Nito does not respond to the Dark Ember, and the Crossbreed does not respond to the three normal embers and the dark ember. I shall look more into her, although my doubts of such info are their for her. The Parasitic Bug, as I have said before (here or on the visitor wall) that it is reachable from a walkway that is by one of the Blowdart Men. I will be trying the gravelord covenant for the Eye of Death for the Ending area and other Boss Areas as well, and later try the Princess' Guard later on for such character. I will keep looking. Although this searching will not delay me from posting on my other thread. It will be posted soon.

    The Search Continues

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