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    The Darkstalkers

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    The Darkstalkers  Empty The Darkstalkers

    Post by billy_bayonet Wed Jun 27, 2012 6:40 am

    No Matter how Honourable you think you are, We all have a Dark side.

    Our Goal
    We are the Darkstalkers, we are the followers of the Great Serpent Kaathe. We have been hidden away, shunned by society, but no more. We shall take our REVENGE, against those very undead that we tried to free, from the cycle of the never-ending flame. By the guidance of Kaathe, and our leader, The Dark Lord, we shall do what our ancestor, the Furtive Pygmy, wished for us to do. We shall end the flame, we shall destroy Gywn, we shall win! For the Humans to be truly free, the Dark must fall, we shan't falter, we shan't abandon Kaathe, we will let the Dark fall! For the Dark Lord

    Our Lore

    Kaathe, is a Primordial Serpent. He has been around since the Dragons, and has been awaiting in the Abyss, forever waiting for the Dark Lord. Kaathe showed the power that comes with the Dark, and with this he tempted the Four Kings and his Knight's. The Knight's surround the Abyss, serving as a test to find those worthy of joining the Darkstalkers. But now, we need not hide any longer. The Dark Lord has returned, we shall leave our home New Londo, and slay all those foolish enough to believe in the Gods. We shall not falter, as we invade all of Lordran, until Dark has ruled the world.

    Our Members
    Billy-Bayonet PSN Rank- Darklord/Corruption+5(Council of Lords)
    Jovias86 PSN Rank 4- Voidwraith/Corruption+5 (Council of Lords)
    Glatts17 PSN Rank 5- Yami Tamashii/Corruption+5 (Council of Lords)
    TehInfamousAmos PSN Rank 5-Yami Tamashii /Corruption+5(Council of Lord) Trader/Trainer of unhonor
    Roanispe PSN Corruption+3(Council of Lords, Trainer)
    Cloudyeki PSN Rank 2 Wraiths/ Corruption+1 - The lords shadow
    Rantfromrant- PSN
    Spurgun- PSN
    Demonslayer- PSN
    Wilkinson3424- PSN

    Federally Rank 2 Wraith - PSN
    Dancash1808 XBL Rank3- Voidwraith
    Twilightwarwolf- PSN
    reim0027_5 PSN- Rank 2 -Wraith/ Corruption+3
    Carphil PSN
    DamageCK PSN
    Delvanoc PSN

    How to join

    Joining is no easy matter you must personally impress Billy_bayonet or be invited by another member

    The Rules

    Those that are a Darkstalker must follow the Code of Kaathe, and promise to kill in his name

    1. Always kill without any remorse

    2. Obtain the host's humanity at any cost

    3. Don't feel restrained by these fools pathetic "Code of Honour"

    Ranks & Corruption
    To increase your Rank, You must proove your worth in combat, Using your SL55 you must eitha proove to a council member, or Capture footage

    Servent of the Dark- New Recruit

    Shade - Must proove they can Counter BS

    Wraith - must proove they can Parry

    VoidWraith- Must proove they can Chain BS.(Must be corruption+1)

    Blade of Kaathe - Must perform 2 OHKO in one minute Corruption+2 (Healing is allowed)

    闇魂 - Yami Tamashii - Must show proof of Beating a 3v1 Corruption+3 (No healing) Can help plan wars etc.

    The art of corrupting ones soul to further walk the path of darkness
    to Earn corruption you may recrtui someone into our ranks or, proove your self in a duel against our lord and the lords blade either one 2v1 match or 3 seperate 1v1 so 6 wins in total

    ATTENTION!! First 3 to make it to Corruption+5 are in the council of lords permanently.

    Corruption brings privileges to you, such as:

    Corruption+1: Can aquire items from our Trader

    Corruption+2:Can roleplay as DarkWraith.(With Armor & Darksword)

    Corruption+3:Can get a job (Trader,Trainer etc)

    Corruption+4:Can roleplay as Kirk

    Corruption+5: Can roleplay as Artorias

    Darklords Elite Guard

    Titles earned through war!


    Gravesworn, Followers Of Izalith

    Noble Knight, Lifehunters

    Brothers of the dark!

    Last edited by billy_bayonet on Mon Sep 10, 2012 12:29 pm; edited 20 times in total
    Chosen Undead
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    The Darkstalkers  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers

    Post by billy_bayonet Wed Jun 27, 2012 6:40 am

    Reserved fore lore
    Chosen Undead
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    The Darkstalkers  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers

    Post by billy_bayonet Wed Jun 27, 2012 6:40 am


    16th of june, New londo war

    30th of june The catacombs mass invasion
    Duke's Archivist
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    The Darkstalkers  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers

    Post by DoughGuy Wed Jun 27, 2012 7:11 am
    Wiki page is done.
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    The Darkstalkers  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers

    Post by billy_bayonet Wed Jun 27, 2012 7:15 am

    Cheers, im adding the Lore from new londo crisis now, there quite a bit of it
    Chosen Undead
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    The Darkstalkers  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers

    Post by dancash1808 Wed Jun 27, 2012 7:18 am

    Out of interest can someone define a counter BS for me, I know I can BS, parry (although not great) and chain BS when I'm in a foul mood with someone. but I am unsure if it is counter BS'ing
    Duke's Archivist
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    The Darkstalkers  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers

    Post by DoughGuy Wed Jun 27, 2012 7:20 am

    Say they're fishing for one, its pivot BSing them or tapping circle/dodge button without moving and getting behind them and BSing them.
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    The Darkstalkers  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers

    Post by dancash1808 Wed Jun 27, 2012 7:23 am

    Oh, okay I think I can do that. not my usual style but that I can do.

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    The Darkstalkers  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers

    Post by Jovias-86 Wed Jun 27, 2012 8:13 am

    Our new thread... The old one is still running though... Billy u need to msg mods happy
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    The Darkstalkers  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers

    Post by dancash1808 Wed Jun 27, 2012 8:14 am

    He has I believe this one is being kept more serious so I was concentrating all my casual banter in the first winking
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    The Darkstalkers  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers

    Post by billy_bayonet Wed Jun 27, 2012 8:17 am

    ive messaged baal he wll get down to it eventually
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    The Darkstalkers  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers

    Post by billy_bayonet Wed Jun 27, 2012 8:49 am

    Have a read over the new ranking up rules, humanity donation was boring IMO, prooving yourself in combat seems more fitting for us
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    The Darkstalkers  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers

    Post by TehInfamousAmos Wed Jun 27, 2012 9:03 am

    ahahahaha - good job lad.
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    The Darkstalkers  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers

    Post by dancash1808 Wed Jun 27, 2012 9:06 am

    What about win a 1v1 with a weapon of every category.
    or win a 1v1 fatrolling and another one with 0 poise.
    just trying to think what kinds of things constitute challenges...
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    The Darkstalkers  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers

    Post by TehInfamousAmos Wed Jun 27, 2012 9:09 am

    ... I could win a 3v1 but not get two OHKO's in one minute, well I could with my assassin build but you know xD Basically I am saying 3v1's are easy - give me a real battle, 4v1. Rainbow Brigade gives me enough practice in the forest winking
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    The Darkstalkers  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers

    Post by dancash1808 Wed Jun 27, 2012 9:11 am

    a well organised 4v1 should be capable of stunlocking you as surely as a dragon head glitcher I would have thought... silly
    bear in mind that darkstalker skill level > ganker skill level lol!
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    The Darkstalkers  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers

    Post by TehInfamousAmos Wed Jun 27, 2012 9:13 am

    Bear in mind if I can use my FH toon then I autowin
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    The Darkstalkers  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers

    Post by billy_bayonet Wed Jun 27, 2012 9:17 am

    read the rules the 55 darkstalker builds,
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    The Darkstalkers  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers

    Post by TehInfamousAmos Wed Jun 27, 2012 9:20 am

    Oh - I have beaten 3v1 then already, and the 2 OHKO's in a minute, and Parry proof as well as counter BS, all I need to prove is I can chainstab... I am ashamed to have to do that.
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    The Darkstalkers  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers

    Post by DoughGuy Wed Jun 27, 2012 9:24 am

    How do you even chainstab? I've tried on gankers but can never get it. At what part of their animation should I start?
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    The Darkstalkers  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers

    Post by TehInfamousAmos Wed Jun 27, 2012 9:28 am

    as they start rolling.
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    The Darkstalkers  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers

    Post by billy_bayonet Wed Jun 27, 2012 9:30 am

    Yeah ive seen your vids Amos, as soon as you proove you can chain BS then you should be rank 5, but i need at least 3 in a row, 2 doesnt count as a chain

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    The Darkstalkers  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers

    Post by Jovias-86 Wed Jun 27, 2012 10:34 am

    I can get 3 in a row... happy
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    The Darkstalkers  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers

    Post by billy_bayonet Wed Jun 27, 2012 10:35 am

    Well once people start showing proove i will start handing out rank ups

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    The Darkstalkers  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers

    Post by Jovias-86 Wed Jun 27, 2012 10:37 am

    I usually need to get 3 as I dont have AR like Amos winking

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