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    The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen

    Chosen Undead
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    The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen  Empty The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen

    Post by billy_bayonet Mon Oct 22, 2012 8:46 am

    No Matter how Honourable you think you are, We all have a Dark side.

    The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen  Darkwo10

    Our Goal
    We are the Darkstalkers, we are the followers of the Great Serpent Kaathe. We have been hidden away, shunned by society, but no more. We shall take our REVENGE, against those very undead that we tried to free, from the cycle of the never-ending flame. By the guidance of Kaathe, and our leader, The Dark Lord, we shall do what our ancestor, the Furtive Pygmy, wished for us to do. We shall end the flame, we shall destroy Gywn, we shall win! For the Humans to be truly free, the Dark must fall, we shan't falter, we shan't abandon Kaathe, we will let the Dark fall! For the Dark Lord

    Our Lore

    Kaathe, is a Primordial Serpent. He has been around since the Dragons, and has been awaiting in the Abyss, forever waiting for the Dark Lord. Kaathe showed the power that comes with the Dark, and with this he tempted the Four Kings and his Knight's. The Knight's surround the Abyss, serving as a test to find those worthy of joining the Darkstalkers. But now, we need not hide any longer. The Dark Lord has returned, we shall leave our home New Londo, and slay all those foolish enough to believe in the Gods. We shall not falter, as we invade all of Lordran, until Dark has ruled the world.

    The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen  8182dd13

    Our Members
    Billy-Bayonet PSN LEADER Rank- Darklord/Corruption+5(Council of Lords)
    Dancash1808 XBL LEADER Rank 3- Voidrwraith/ Corruption+2
    Jovias86 PSN Rank 4- Voidwraith/Corruption+5 (Council of Lords) (Fallen)
    Glatts17 PSN Rank 5- Yami Tamashii/Corruption+5 (Council of Lords)
    TehInfamousAmos PSN Rank 5-Yami Tamashii /Corruption+5(Council of Lord) Trader/Trainer of unhonor (Fallen)
    Roanispe PSN Corruption+3(Council of Lords, Trainer)
    Cloudyeki PSN Rank 2 Wraith/ Corruption+1 - The lords shadow
    Biotheimpaler XBL (Fallen)

    Hageshisha PSN Blueberryvibe (Fallen)
    Rantfromrant- PSN

    Ghadis_God - PSN rank 3 VoidWraith/ Corruption+1 (Fallen)
    Spurgun- PSN
    Grin Twist- PSN
    Thatpersona- PSN (Fallen)
    Demonslayer- PSN
    Wilkinson3424- PSN

    Twilightwarwolf- PSN Rank3-Voidwraith (Fallen)
    reim0027_5 PSN- Rank 2 -VoidWraith/ Corruption+4
    BeeSeaEss PSN, Rank-0 Servant of the Dark

    How to join

    Joining is no easy matter you must personally impress Billy_bayonet or be invited by another member

    The Rules

    Those that are a Darkstalker must follow the Code of Kaathe, and promise to kill in his name

    1. Always kill without any remorse

    2. Obtain the host's humanity at any cost

    3. Don't feel restrained by these fools pathetic "Code of Honour"

    Ranks & Corruption
    To increase your Rank, You must proove your worth in combat, Using your SL55 you must eitha proove to a council member, or Capture footage

    Servent of the Dark- New Recruit

    Shade - Must proove they can Counter BS

    Wraith - must proove they can Parry

    VoidWraith- Must proove they can Chain BS.(Must be corruption+1)

    Blade of Kaathe - Must perform 2 OHKO in one minute Corruption+2 (No healing)

    闇魂 - Yami Tamashii - Must show proof of Beating a 3v1 Corruption+3 (Healing allowed) Can help plan wars etc.

    The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen  62e3cc88

    The art of corrupting ones soul to further walk the path of darkness
    To Earn corruption you may recrtui someone into our ranks or, proove your self in a duel against our lord and the lords blade either one 2v1 match or 3 seperate 1v1 so 6 wins in total

    Corruption brings privileges to you, such as:

    Corruption+1: Can aquire items from our Trader

    Corruption+2:Can roleplay as DarkWraith.(With Armor & Darksword)

    Corruption+3:Can get a job (Trader,Trainer etc)

    Corruption+4:Can roleplay as Kirk

    Corruption+5: Can roleplay as Artorias

    Darklords Elite Guard

    Titles earned through war!


    Followers Of Izalith, Obsidian Knights.

    Noble Knight, Gravesworn

    Brothers of the dark!

    Last edited by billy_bayonet on Mon Apr 08, 2013 11:25 am; edited 7 times in total
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen

    Post by billy_bayonet Mon Oct 22, 2012 8:47 am

    The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen  2400251047


    And they shall be trapped for all eternity, Cast out of the light and fallen from grace.

    "Better to rule in hell then serve in heaven"
    Deep within the abyss The fallen slumber, ready to to tear the world assunder
    With vast beauty and Stenght unknown, They shall rend flesh from bone
    Heretics rebels Vain, Graceless evil degenerate Guilty of only one sin
    Angels should never bow to humans a lesser being.
    And there was war in heaven 100,000 years the fallen trapped in the abyss
    Never again shall be free....Angels where never meant to step foot on mortal soil

    "Ever notice when god needed to make an example of someone or needed a killing hed send an angel,
    Could you imagine what something like that would be like, Your entire existance devoted to the word
    And to be drenched in blood"

    After the war in the archives Abel found a book, engraved with strange runes he could not decipher,
    Taking the book back to the abyss he spends days locked in his study Engrossed in this ancient text
    "My lord i have found what you asked for" Azezal The lords Blade pushed a bound and gagged figure
    Into Abels room, Removing the Blindfind Grabbing him by the hair and harsly whispering in his ear

    Azezal left the room to see Leplace and Avrik waiting for him "You two have your orders he still requires The blood of the lord
    and the heart of darkness" His tone was enough for avrik to know not to push his luck. Laplace studied Azezal's face jumping down
    From his perch he shuffled up to him and spoke with a calm tone "his will, be done" and vanished, Azezal sighed he hoped Abel knew
    what he was doing

    "Again" Abel said with such stillness it sent shivers down the unknown mans spine, "it clearly states in the abyss Heavens dark army
    Awaits he who has the Blood of a lord and the heart of darkness" Abel mouthed the words trying to comprehend what it could mean
    "of course" Abel grabbed the man by the throat and pinned him to the wall "Gwyn has the blood of a lord" dropping the man back to floor
    He turned around and started muttering to himself, "you may leave, Mention this to anyone and i shall have your crucified"
    Taking the book he descended the Stairs down to speak to Kaathe Along the way voices in his head where replaying everything he has just been told
    "heavens dark army?" He dropped from the last step and landed in the Abyss for the first time he looked around "So young Abel you return to me for
    "I seek Answers Serpent!" Abel stepped towards Kaathe clutching the book, "Ahhh so you found the book How interesting" Abel was not suprised
    That snake Knew more then he ever let on, "Tell me what Is Heavens Dark army?" Kaathe paused for a moment almost stunned by Abel's Question
    "An army of angels Who believed mortals to be weak and they should never bow down to them as god had commanded, Lucifer The first angel
    Would never bow down to a being he believed to be lesser then himself" Kaathe sighed "So he led a rebellion against heaven Angel verses Angel
    they were ultimately defeated but couldn't be killed so the Abyss was to be there tomb Trapped for all eternity" Kaathe looked at Abel and his
    Gaze become serious "Abel That part of the abyss is sealed away and for good reason the Fallen are never meant to walk mortal soil" Abel's eyes
    Grew wide with wonder "Heavens Dark army......Kaathe tell me how do i open that part of the abyss" He sighed again "i strongly urge you to not
    to do this Abel.." "Tell me Snake!"
    The pause seemed like an eternity Kaathe looked down away from Abel's gaze thinkin to himself This man has become far more then he had ever
    hoped for. He breathed in and finally said "Oolacile!"

    SL range for the Fallen shall be SL75 Shall massively based around Lore and there will be a tournemant to decide who shall be the leader of the Fallen.

    Use any gear you like but you must fit into an evil/dark theme

    Ranks of the fallen
    Base- Acolyte

    Rank1- Angelis

    rank2- Angelis Ignaris

    Rank3- seraphin

    Rank4- Arch-Angel

    Rank5- Deus Ex territus

    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen

    Post by billy_bayonet Mon Oct 22, 2012 8:47 am


    King of Killers Challenge
    : A test of who is the greatest killer amongst our ranks You will be summoned to A council members world and wait at the start of the Level for 30 seconds at which point a timer will be started you must then hunt down the host and kill them as quickly as possible.

    The lord's Bane : You may Test your Best darkstalker build against Abel himself With points awarded for Style, orginality of build And flawles victories
    1-3 points for Style
    1-3 points for orignality
    4 for Flawless victory
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen

    Post by billy_bayonet Mon Oct 22, 2012 8:48 am

    The Trophy Room

    The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen  D9b63e36

    All your Deeds done in the Name of Darkness will be found here

    Azazels tribute to the Dark lord

    Last edited by billy_bayonet on Mon Apr 08, 2013 6:37 pm; edited 5 times in total

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    The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen

    Post by vatar5 Mon Oct 22, 2012 8:49 am

    Just something that bugged me,how do you manage a SL55 Decent Artorias Build :shock:

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    The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen

    Post by Jovias-86 Mon Oct 22, 2012 8:52 am


    And yeah Billy... Its not possible...
    SL100 seems to be minimum for a decent artorias build happy
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    The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen

    Post by billy_bayonet Mon Oct 22, 2012 8:57 am

    You can make a decnt arty build just have low health and low damage

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    The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen

    Post by robsthedon Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:15 am

    Nice thread Billy

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    The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:23 am

    On the first page!

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    The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen

    Post by hageshisa Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:58 am

    New thread! Sweeet :33
    Chosen Undead
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    The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen

    Post by billy_bayonet Mon Oct 22, 2012 11:32 am

    Well well well the BB glitch is gone, Which will make Our lives alot less difficult in a gank, As peopel will now have a choice Defence or speed, this is a fine day for all DS happy
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    The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen

    Post by Spurgun Mon Oct 22, 2012 11:36 am

    billy_bayonet wrote:Well well well the BB glitch is gone, Which will make Our lives alot less difficult in a gank, As peopel will now have a choice Defence or speed, this is a fine day for all DS happy

    Are you mixing the BB glitch and the DWGR?
    I don't think the removal of the BB glitch will do much, except for reducing the amount of new greifers (but we're at 55 so we don't have to care about that anyway). And less new builds overall.
    I really hope the dupe glitch is gone though, infinite DBs was really annoying.

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    The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen

    Post by hageshisa Mon Oct 22, 2012 11:38 am

    Yes! This will be really really sweet! Maybe we should celebrate the patcy with a casual 24h invasion event? :33
    Chosen Undead
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    The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen

    Post by billy_bayonet Mon Oct 22, 2012 11:38 am

    Yeah, its usefull for Green blossoms but peopel doing the DB's was ********, But i meant everythign in the patch obvs elementals being nerfed wont matter too much

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    The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen

    Post by hageshisa Mon Oct 22, 2012 11:40 am

    Spur, the BB glitch saves me tons of time so I'm sad its gone. Now that I actually work I wont get that much time to level up properly and grind for gear sad

    Never used DB. Never seen anyone use it, thou ive never been so active in the forest
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    The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen

    Post by Spurgun Mon Oct 22, 2012 11:43 am

    That's why i said that there will be less new builds overall. Since people wont be able to make a new build in 1/2 days.

    I used DBs if they were used against me, or if i met a glitcher. Otherwise i just healed with humanity when i was in a gank and had to heal.

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    The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen

    Post by hageshisa Mon Oct 22, 2012 11:46 am

    Oh didnt notice that first! Hehe xD Well, I still have some higher lvl toon with glitched items, So i guess i wont cry too much about it. Any DS can ask for upgrade regents from me, have plenty
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    The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen

    Post by TehInfamousAmos Mon Oct 22, 2012 12:37 pm

    Well I am here!
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    The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen

    Post by Spurgun Mon Oct 22, 2012 12:39 pm

    Really? I don't believe you.

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    The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen

    Post by reim0027 Mon Oct 22, 2012 1:45 pm

    I'll post my Azreal lore here, so it doesn't get lost.

    Ok. Here's the beta version of my lore. Please pick it apart and I can either elaborate or elucidate. Warning! Wall o' text!

    AZRAEL (عزرائيل)

    The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen  AzraelImage

    Name: Azrael (عزرائيل)

    Title: Archangel of Death

    Introduction: Azrael is the embodiment of evil, but not necessarily evil itself. He left the heavens voluntarily (unlike Lucifer), leaving some to question his true allegiance. Is he secretly working for good, as some suspect, or is he merely the right hand arm of Satan? Some have even suggested he worships a secret serpent. But, attempts to find this serpent have repeatedly failed.

    Description: He has many embodiments. His true form remains a mystery. What is known is this. He has billions of eyes, one for every person on Earth. Each time he takes a life, an eye closes.

    One day, he will reach his goal and all of his eyes will close. Only then will we know where his true allegiance lies. The most common form he takes is a hooded/cloaked figure, wielding a powerful Scythe. This is how the "Grim Reaper" lore got started.

    However, most people don't realize the true power of his Scythe. It is able to inflict powerful cuts that never heal. It does this at great cost to its wielder, as it will cut him as well.

    Mission: What he does with the souls is another mystery. Some say he uses them to boost his defenses or keeps the souls and uses them to heal when he is wounded. Others say he gives them to his master to receive valuable rewards and become even more powerful. Every one can agree, however, is that he is loves to kill. He takes great joy in killing the strongest humans, often attacking multiple humans at one time.

    There are very few pictures of Azrael. The following two pictures were recently found. They were found in a remote city that was recently drained.

    pictures of Azrael:

    Interesting facts:


    It seems the more we dig into Azrael's history, the more confused we become. I guess all we can do is wait until his last eye is closed and he finally reveals his true intentions.

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    The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen

    Post by Ghadis_God Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:31 pm

    I don't mind the BB glitch being gone, I made all the builds I will ever need before the patch hit, including 4 SL100's.

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    The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen

    Post by hageshisa Mon Oct 22, 2012 5:38 pm

    I didn't get the pach today, but I BB'd 8 toons as a bank for future builds lol

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    The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen

    Post by twilightwarwolf Mon Oct 22, 2012 6:03 pm

    hey all im finally here!!1
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    The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen

    Post by DoughGuy Mon Oct 22, 2012 6:37 pm

    Not on the first page = Covenant will die silly
    New patch eh? Better not go online till Im prepped lol.

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    The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen

    Post by DarkW17 Mon Oct 22, 2012 8:12 pm

    Yup I'm in the same boast dough I have 2 psn's I need to finish builds in and BB blank slots for future builds...ima be a busy boy for a day or so lol!!!

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    The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen  Empty Re: The Darkstalkers/ The Fallen

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