Abel turned around to look at his 3 Warriors "Do not Fail me", With that he stepped through the Portal Azazel sighed and quickly Followed,
Avrik clutched The soul of Gwyn tight to his chest, "You havnt let that thing out of your sight since you killed the beast" Laplace spoke in a calm
Tone, Turning around to the Rest of the Darkstalkers making there way from New londo "lead them through Avrik", One by one the Darkstalkers poured
Through the portal until only Laplace remained Looking around him once more before Stepping into the breach, From a Ledge an unknown figure watched
"what are you upto Abel"
SL 55
1 point host
2 points for phantom
Bonus and rank ups for high scores
November 3rd 9PM GMT - November 4th 9PM GMT
Invade oolacile township kill in the Dark lords name