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    The Boss Battle Appreciation Station (Public Battle Theatre)


    Posts : 29
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    Join date : 2013-01-22
    Location : Probably at a computer desk

    The Boss Battle Appreciation Station (Public Battle Theatre) Empty The Boss Battle Appreciation Station (Public Battle Theatre)

    Post by Autimneus Sun Feb 24, 2013 10:21 pm

    Let's face it, we all love Dark Souls. The community behind it and DeS was never one to complain about things the common man would gripe about. The difficulty, the multiplayer, the big beautiful boss battles.
    That's right.. Those boss battles, or invasions! What an amazing spectacle to behold. That's why I'm starting this thread. Here you can share memories of those battles that have been locked away in the past. Show off your carrying, your failures, your adventure and the struggles within it here!

    A few ground rules though. As I'm sure we are all in agreement on behavior here. We don't want to see pudding videos, we don't want to see old overused memes like fresh prince or Astley. We want action!

    So come on, Show me your moves!

    -Edit: Apparently the youtube bbcode feature doesn't work! So try using custom URLs instead. It's as easy as [url=insertyourlinkhere] insert your text here [/url] !

    Last edited by Autimneus on Sun Feb 24, 2013 11:21 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Public service announcement)

    Posts : 29
    Reputation : 1
    Join date : 2013-01-22
    Location : Probably at a computer desk

    The Boss Battle Appreciation Station (Public Battle Theatre) Empty Re: The Boss Battle Appreciation Station (Public Battle Theatre)

    Post by Autimneus Sun Feb 24, 2013 10:25 pm

    Now, I'm not going to currupt the first post with videos or links, I'd like to keep that as clear a possible. But here on the second post my my, the rules are far different. Let's begin the sharing!

    Gravelord + Sunbro + Solaire VS Smough and Ornstein
    3 Chaos Witch Quelaag battles
    Maneater Mildred isn't even a challenge when you try to make her into one
    This Taurus demon should have just made like a banana
    3 man party against Gaping Dragon, channeler left alive

    And finally The most annoying world I've ever been summoned to, 5 minutes long but skip 2 to go immediately to the gaping dragon.

    Now my friends. Share your battles as well!

    Last edited by Autimneus on Sun Feb 24, 2013 11:20 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : bad bbcode)

    Posts : 158
    Reputation : 3
    Join date : 2012-09-07
    Age : 36
    Location : Kiev, Ukraine

    The Boss Battle Appreciation Station (Public Battle Theatre) Empty Re: The Boss Battle Appreciation Station (Public Battle Theatre)

    Post by Veradox Wed Mar 06, 2013 10:27 am

    Oh well, before anybody shares their success, I'd like to share my frustration of trying to beat the Asylum Demon with bare hands (to get that badass hammer) and ending up killed with 5% HP boss... Sweet times happy Now I'd just pick Black Bombs to face roll it.

    Posts : 29
    Reputation : 1
    Join date : 2013-01-22
    Location : Probably at a computer desk

    The Boss Battle Appreciation Station (Public Battle Theatre) Empty Re: The Boss Battle Appreciation Station (Public Battle Theatre)

    Post by Autimneus Sat Mar 09, 2013 3:28 am

    Veradox wrote:Oh well, before anybody shares their success, I'd like to share my frustration of trying to beat the Asylum Demon with bare hands (to get that badass hammer) and ending up killed with 5% HP

    I tried beating him to a pulp with my fists on my most recent character. It ended similarly. I find that the biggest problem with the Asylum demon is his tendency to back up into ****. Since his right cheek is the safest place to perform a spanking it never ceases to annoy when he backs against a pillar or a wall.

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    The Boss Battle Appreciation Station (Public Battle Theatre) Empty Re: The Boss Battle Appreciation Station (Public Battle Theatre)

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