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    Divine Weapon Bonus Against Invaders?


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    Divine Weapon Bonus Against Invaders? Empty Divine Weapon Bonus Against Invaders?

    Post by lextune Tue Jul 10, 2012 6:40 pm

    ....and Occult weapon damage against hosts too, for that matter....

    Most of us have heard of these theories. Have they ever been fully proven, (or disproven) with some testing?

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    Divine Weapon Bonus Against Invaders? Empty Re: Divine Weapon Bonus Against Invaders?

    Post by WyrmHero Tue Jul 10, 2012 7:08 pm

    I know that divine and occult does almost same damage. I tested it with a divine and occult Claymore on a human host. Don't know about invaders though.

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    Divine Weapon Bonus Against Invaders? Empty Re: Divine Weapon Bonus Against Invaders?

    Post by DamageCK Tue Jul 10, 2012 7:22 pm

    I always go +15. Pretty much a safe bet you'll get max damage, unless it's something like C/C scaling, assuming you don't have a 40/40 build.
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    Divine Weapon Bonus Against Invaders? Empty Re: Divine Weapon Bonus Against Invaders?

    Post by ublug Tue Jul 10, 2012 8:28 pm

    From all the posts I've read about the subject, holy and dark have no bonus damage against invaders or hosts. If they had any it would most likely be covenant related, but I haven't seen any evidence to this either. From what we know about them, their special properties are for PvE and lore purposes only.

    Holy - Effective against the undead: Skeletons and Harpies were the only enemies affected in my pve test. If covenants were affected, Gravelords could be affected?
    Dark - Effective against the Gods and their Kin: Black & Silver Knights, Ornstein, Gwyn & Gwyndolin. If covenants were affected, then WoW, Princess Guard and Sunbros (darkmoon?) should be affected.
    Greatsword of Artorias (true) - Holy damage, but also affects Darkwraiths (four kings as well?). If covenants were affected, then Darkwraith members should be affected by this sword as well.
    Black Knight Weapons - Effective against Chaos Demons. If covenants were affected, then Chaos covenant members could potentially be affected by them.
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    Divine Weapon Bonus Against Invaders? Empty Re: Divine Weapon Bonus Against Invaders?

    Post by BLA1NE Tue Jul 10, 2012 11:49 pm

    Pretty sure that's been disproved.

    I don't even understand the logic behind it anyways. Whenever you're in someone else's world, regardless of the state you were in your own, you are always in body form. So is the host. So if one upgrade path were stronger against either host or hosted, it should be the same for both.

    Since you're both in human form, divine shouldn't work.

    I find tying it to covenants is a bit reaching, since there's a difference between New Londo Darkwraiths and Darkwraith invaders. What is valid for one has no reason to be valid or not for the other. Occult might stand to reason to work on Darkmoons, since they're actually in league with the gods (well, Gwyndolin, anyways)... but they're more on a volunteer basis! I can't think of a reason why occult should work on hosts, though. So, according to my logic: divine should not be stronger on either hosts or invaders, and occult could potentially be stronger on Darkmoons, but not hosts or other forms of invaders.

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