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Forum Pirate
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    A journey to level 713... what we seek the most is balance.

    Forum Pirate
    Forum Pirate
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    A journey to level 713... what we seek the most is balance. - Page 2 Empty Re: A journey to level 713... what we seek the most is balance.

    Post by Forum Pirate Thu Jul 12, 2012 7:21 am

    swordiris wrote:Wouldn't Darkmoon be a good cov for max level since they invade lower? I'm trying to get My Velka toon to max level.

    And also, I agree with the OP. it was never supposed to end at 120. I think at max lvl we would see much different items being the norm.
    You'd think, and they do exsist, but if you're more than around 20% above that areas average, invasions get really slow, even in populated areas.
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    A journey to level 713... what we seek the most is balance. - Page 2 Empty Re: A journey to level 713... what we seek the most is balance.

    Post by Rynn Thu Jul 12, 2012 4:46 pm

    callipygias wrote:So my point was that PVP is still VERY active if you're a high soul level... I guess you're agreeing?

    I've only PVP'd (meaning gone to an area and hung around) a few times now. In those cases it's REALLY random; I'll get in the 200,000 to 300,000 range fairly often, but just as often it'll be between 50,000 and 100,000. When I do a playthrough human it's mostly much lower level invasions until you get to Anor Londo. In the Burg and Parish It'll be all but zero souls, but those are the most satisfying because they're ALL glitch invaders; it's nice knowing the tables were turned on them.
    To be honest, with how this game is designed, the higher your level becomes, the more PvP one should obtain. The problem is, people have decided they want "fair matches" so everyone stops at level 120. I am not arguing that we should all head to level 705, just that we were not intended to stop leveling. Thusforth creating a heirarchy of levels, where we have darkwraiths from levels 1-500 invading, and Darkmoons from 1-600 invading, and everyone getting a good amount of PvP, even if it's not on even grounds. Instead we have level 120 PvP where items such as the DWGR have far more influence then I believe the developers anticipated, due to having balanced the game around PvP in levels 300+.
    Chosen Undead
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    A journey to level 713... what we seek the most is balance. - Page 2 Empty Re: A journey to level 713... what we seek the most is balance.

    Post by Rynn Thu Jul 12, 2012 4:50 pm

    Now, a problematic item that exists in this game is the somewhat infamous Loydes Talisman.

    This item imo is the biggest oversight in the game, and needs buffed. It stops an opponent from healing for 20 seconds... which I think we can all admit isn't a big deal. 20 seconds will not stop any opponent that is dedicated to keeping the battle going from healing. A loydes talisman needed to last closer to a minute or more to be a viable solution to Estus chugging.

    Thusforth, I believe that if Loydes were better designed, Estus would not be such a frustrating and taboo object to face.
    Duke's Archivist
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    A journey to level 713... what we seek the most is balance. - Page 2 Empty Re: A journey to level 713... what we seek the most is balance.

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Thu Jul 12, 2012 4:53 pm

    Yup, 20 sec. is a gyp.
    Chosen Undead
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    A journey to level 713... what we seek the most is balance. - Page 2 Empty Re: A journey to level 713... what we seek the most is balance.

    Post by Rynn Thu Jul 12, 2012 4:56 pm

    30 seconds if they are wearing Lingering Dragoncrest, of course.
    I think loydes should last a minute, or be capable of being stacked (throw two? 40 seconds!) by throwing additional talismans.

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    A journey to level 713... what we seek the most is balance. - Page 2 Empty Re: A journey to level 713... what we seek the most is balance.

    Post by GkMrBane Thu Jul 12, 2012 5:27 pm

    Well my only response is

    I tried to make an Sl 225+ club for the Xbox 360.

    cause im an 624 .

    EDIT: my 624 build.

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    A journey to level 713... what we seek the most is balance. - Page 2 Empty Re: A journey to level 713... what we seek the most is balance.

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