I mentioned to him that the US version of the Elite Knight set has been nerfed, and that we never got the patch to make ours evened out with the version everyone else has.
That is what someone told me anyway. So if I am wrong, please feel free to correct me.
If I am correct however; I would like to ask if anyone believes I should attempt to petition that the US version is altered to be like what everyone else has.
I know, the set isn't that big of a deal. That is what I said at first. "It's just one set of armor, and it's not like it would be upgraded much anyway. Why would anyone bother signing a petition for it?" Then my friend said it's simply for the fact that we realize we are being treated unfairly. I am inclined to agree. It matters not about the set itself so much as it is the fact that we (I'm assuming only US) are being denied equality.
If I am wrong in this, or if I just feel absolutely no one will want to actually sign a petition I'll simply send them my own personal petition. I'm sure it will either be read and discarded, or perhaps not even read at all. But at least it will be better than doing nothing.