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The Once-Ler
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    Mods vs the Community: Rebellion Duels

    Chosen Undead
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    Mods vs the Community: Rebellion Duels - Page 12 Empty Re: Mods vs the Community: Rebellion Duels

    Post by billy_bayonet Sun Aug 12, 2012 9:24 am

    wasnt time zones i was pissed as a fart!
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    Mods vs the Community: Rebellion Duels - Page 12 Empty Re: Mods vs the Community: Rebellion Duels

    Post by skarekrow13 Sun Aug 12, 2012 11:00 am

    Yeah but if you were in my time zone you would have had several less hours of drinking under your belt big grin
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    Mods vs the Community: Rebellion Duels - Page 12 Empty Re: Mods vs the Community: Rebellion Duels

    Post by skarekrow13 Wed Aug 15, 2012 12:50 pm

    So.....two days left......

    Anyone wanna fight?

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    Mods vs the Community: Rebellion Duels - Page 12 Empty Re: Mods vs the Community: Rebellion Duels

    Post by DarkHaven Wed Aug 15, 2012 1:15 pm

    DoughGuy wrote:So as sme of you are aware there's a rebellion going on right now. Well rather than just duke it out with words I've spoken with the admins and they've agreed it would be fine to have soome proper duels with the players to decide what should happen.

    Soi what we need know are a list of participants. All players and admins/mods are welcome to participate and, if a mod wishes not to fight because they cant make it etc, they ask players to fight for them instead as champions. Of course these champions become the enemy of the other players silly
    EDIT: Warning to players. Unless you specifiy you wish to fight for the mods I will put you as a fighter for the community.

    The duels will start from the 10th of August and run for around a week. We'll be doing them during FC time so simply join the FC chat and challenge any of the mods who happen to be on. You can also organise duels in this thread for more personal matches.

    EDIT: I actualyl have no idea what consoles the mods use so unless some of them confirm their attendence and that they use xbox I'm afraid this will be PS3 only.

    Time: 8pm CST, 10-17th of August
    Rules: FC rules, or rules may be changed before the duel, provded both participants agree to the changes.

    Rebel Alliance
    Obi Wan KenDoughGuy
    Admiral Skarekrow13 -
    The Eastern Warrior ViralEnsign_
    Prscilla's Champion Wyrmhero1945
    The Dead Knight Federally
    Master of Thirst quench
    Chewy ZeeZoo

    Servant of Priscilla

    The Empire
    Champion of BaalDS Roanispe


    Ok ummmm where shall i start..... Ok first i would like to say i just joined this community yesterday and i just started rly pvping 3 days ago now. If anyone was following my build my wins now topple to 204 and loses 23. But enough with tht matter since i am new to this site and pvping aspect I see this somewhat looks like a tournement i guess and i ador those. But i want to know if there are participaters in xbox Live but i am a XBL member. But i am not familiar with this FC rules i think? But if someone would be nice enough to give me those rules i would be happy. And i dont know what u rly ean much about which side......... but if its going against hackers ill be glad to fight with u on tht or just a tourny then ill participate even though cing as i only hav about 2 days (sad face)!!!!!!!! But i still wanna fight!!!!! Go Go White Flame Champion Build!! Dont be mean to me in reply to this post idk much just joined yesterday lol! !!!!!!!!!!!
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    Mods vs the Community: Rebellion Duels - Page 12 Empty Re: Mods vs the Community: Rebellion Duels

    Post by skarekrow13 Wed Aug 15, 2012 1:41 pm

    There's a Fight Club sticky in this section and the rules are on page 1 of that. This isn't as much of a tournament as it was a joke taken really far. Dough started rebelling against the moderation/administration team and some of us joined him and some people joined them. Keeping score the rebels have 0 wins, 0 losses, 0 draws and the mod/admin team has the same as far as I know big grin

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    Mods vs the Community: Rebellion Duels - Page 12 Empty Re: Mods vs the Community: Rebellion Duels

    Post by DarkHaven Wed Aug 15, 2012 1:47 pm

    skarekrow13 wrote:There's a Fight Club sticky in this section and the rules are on page 1 of that. This isn't as much of a tournament as it was a joke taken really far. Dough started rebelling against the moderation/administration team and some of us joined him and some people joined them. Keeping score the rebels have 0 wins, 0 losses, 0 draws and the mod/admin team has the same as far as I know big grin

    So i wanna say it kind of turned into a rant sort of thingy? But probaly more complicated xD but o well ill be on XBL around 6-7 till 10-11pm w8ing for ppl in undead burg my game tag is xxDARKHAVENxx playing COD with friend atm so not on dark souls yet =P... thanks for the rules thing

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    Mods vs the Community: Rebellion Duels - Page 12 Empty Re: Mods vs the Community: Rebellion Duels

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