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    So the Hornet and Leo Ring apparently stack...

    Chosen Undead
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    So the Hornet and Leo Ring apparently stack... Empty So the Hornet and Leo Ring apparently stack...

    Post by Rynn Sun Jul 22, 2012 8:53 am

    But I want to figure out under what conditions. It doesn't seem to work most of the time, but roughly every sixth time I do a parry with my rapier, my Riposte does 2700 instead of 1560 damage.

    Does anyone know what causes this? Is it a bug when they do stack, or a bug when they don't? Seeing as a riposte is a backstab +33% damage.... which is the same amount as blows get increased on counter damage, it could be either as far as I see it.
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    So the Hornet and Leo Ring apparently stack... Empty Re: So the Hornet and Leo Ring apparently stack...

    Post by ublug Sun Jul 22, 2012 9:27 am

    It should be a bug when they stack, since the leo ring doesn't do critical damage.
    There was a bug in demons souls where you could get a 'counter hit' backstab, which is as powerful as a riposte. A counter hit is hitting someone in the middle of the attack, so the counter backstab was also done this way.
    Counter attacks with a leo ring have close to a 70% increase, which looks in the ballpark of your numbers.

    Is it only certain parried attacks that get the boost, or is it the same attack in both instances? Also, what do you parry with, and how soon after the parry do you initiate the riposte?
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    So the Hornet and Leo Ring apparently stack... Empty Re: So the Hornet and Leo Ring apparently stack...

    Post by Tolvo Sun Jul 22, 2012 9:30 am

    As Ublug said, in fact counter BS can be a very nifty thing when you land them with both rings. I haven't been able to exactly reproduce them, but for the BS I've noticed it mainly when my enemy is running, or mid roll.
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    So the Hornet and Leo Ring apparently stack... Empty Re: So the Hornet and Leo Ring apparently stack...

    Post by Rynn Sun Jul 22, 2012 9:46 am

    ublug wrote:It should be a bug when they stack, since the leo ring doesn't do critical damage.
    There was a bug in demons souls where you could get a 'counter hit' backstab, which is as powerful as a riposte. A counter hit is hitting someone in the middle of the attack, so the counter backstab was also done this way.
    Counter attacks with a leo ring have close to a 70% increase, which looks in the ballpark of your numbers.

    Is it only certain parried attacks that get the boost, or is it the same attack in both instances? Also, what do you parry with, and how soon after the parry do you initiate the riposte?
    This is my build; it happens with either weapon.
    I can't really figure out an pattern to how it's occuring, I just parry, and then if I hesitate for even a second before hitting R1, it occurs.
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    So the Hornet and Leo Ring apparently stack... Empty Re: So the Hornet and Leo Ring apparently stack...

    Post by Serious_Much Sun Jul 22, 2012 9:52 am

    huh, this is interesting. Certainly hope people don't start abusing this as well, so many unearthed glitches and bugs recently :|
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    So the Hornet and Leo Ring apparently stack... Empty Re: So the Hornet and Leo Ring apparently stack...

    Post by Tolvo Sun Jul 22, 2012 9:57 am

    This is actually a fairly old one, most I guess just never looked too closely at the numbers for their BS. You've possibly done it yourself without even knowing.
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    So the Hornet and Leo Ring apparently stack... Empty Re: So the Hornet and Leo Ring apparently stack...

    Post by Rynn Sun Jul 22, 2012 9:59 am

    Tolvo wrote:This is actually a fairly old one, most I guess just never looked too closely at the numbers for their BS. You've possibly done it yourself without even knowing.
    I'm doing it on a riposte.
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    So the Hornet and Leo Ring apparently stack... Empty Re: So the Hornet and Leo Ring apparently stack...

    Post by Tolvo Sun Jul 22, 2012 10:01 am

    I've seen that one as well, but I didn't test it out as much because frankly I was content with the damage I was already doing haha.
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    So the Hornet and Leo Ring apparently stack... Empty Re: So the Hornet and Leo Ring apparently stack...

    Post by Serious_Much Sun Jul 22, 2012 10:03 am

    I never use the leo ring or hornet ring tolvo so doubt I've ever done it silly
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    So the Hornet and Leo Ring apparently stack... Empty Re: So the Hornet and Leo Ring apparently stack...

    Post by Tolvo Sun Jul 22, 2012 10:10 am

    A coubter BS is what I mean.
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    So the Hornet and Leo Ring apparently stack... Empty Re: So the Hornet and Leo Ring apparently stack...

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Sun Jul 22, 2012 1:24 pm

    Damn, I hope the gankers don't figure this one out. :|

    If it's happening it shouldn't be happening.
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    So the Hornet and Leo Ring apparently stack... Empty Re: So the Hornet and Leo Ring apparently stack...

    Post by Rynn Sun Jul 22, 2012 1:27 pm

    I just figured out how to forcibly trigger it...
    This isn't likely to be forcibly done on a backstab, you don't have time to push all the buttons properly, but on a riposte, I can do it 80% of the time.
    I could probably do it 100% of the time, but I'm not going to touch this glitch. Rather I'm going to pretend I never found it.
    Duke's Archivist
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    So the Hornet and Leo Ring apparently stack... Empty Re: So the Hornet and Leo Ring apparently stack...

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Sun Jul 22, 2012 1:33 pm

    Rynn wrote:I just figured out how to forcibly trigger it...
    This isn't likely to be forcibly done on a backstab, you don't have time to push all the buttons properly, but on a riposte, I can do it 80% of the time.
    I could probably do it 100% of the time, but I'm not going to touch this glitch. Rather I'm going to pretend I never found it.

    Is this the first time you've ever put both the Leo Ring and the HR on the same character, or have you tried this combo before? And, if you have, had you ever noticed this problem before?
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    So the Hornet and Leo Ring apparently stack... Empty Re: So the Hornet and Leo Ring apparently stack...

    Post by Rynn Sun Jul 22, 2012 1:45 pm

    I've never had both equiped at once, but I've had this problem with the leo before... usually every 6 ripostes or so. Well... I just found out what I'm doing during tose ripostes, then did it like 9 times in a row when I was trying to make it happen.

    This is horrible, I won't be talking about it again, because someone more skilled then me will figure out how to apply it to a backstab.
    Duke's Archivist
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    So the Hornet and Leo Ring apparently stack... Empty Re: So the Hornet and Leo Ring apparently stack...

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Sun Jul 22, 2012 1:50 pm

    Rynn wrote:This is horrible, I won't be talking about it again

    I applaud your restraint and your maturity. Bow
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    So the Hornet and Leo Ring apparently stack... Empty Re: So the Hornet and Leo Ring apparently stack...

    Post by dancash1808 Sun Jul 22, 2012 2:57 pm

    Damn... another game breaker. can somebody in the know of all the gamebreakers especially the under wraps ones write up a bug report sort of email. do not post it publicly and just send it to FROM? hopefully if they get told they can patch some of them when the new content comes out.
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    So the Hornet and Leo Ring apparently stack... Empty Re: So the Hornet and Leo Ring apparently stack...

    Post by ublug Sun Jul 22, 2012 6:13 pm

    Rynn wrote:This is horrible, I won't be talking about it again, because someone more skilled then me will figure out how to apply it to a backstab.
    Yay! another op glitch So the Hornet and Leo Ring apparently stack... 3596227959
    But you'll have to sacrifice havel, flip and wolf ring, so at least it can't be used by poise monsters.

    I just remembered another parry bug from demon's: After a parry, if you delayed the riposte until they recovered (at the very end of riposte window), it did the same damage as a normal backstab. Only worked on npcs and players though. Is this bug still present as well?
    Chosen Undead
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    So the Hornet and Leo Ring apparently stack... Empty Re: So the Hornet and Leo Ring apparently stack...

    Post by Rynn Sun Jul 22, 2012 9:45 pm

    ublug wrote:
    Rynn wrote:This is horrible, I won't be talking about it again, because someone more skilled then me will figure out how to apply it to a backstab.
    Yay! another op glitch So the Hornet and Leo Ring apparently stack... 3596227959
    But you'll have to sacrifice havel, flip and wolf ring, so at least it can't be used by poise monsters.

    I just remembered another parry bug from demon's: After a parry, if you delayed the riposte until they recovered (at the very end of riposte window), it did the same damage as a normal backstab. Only worked on npcs and players though. Is this bug still present as well?
    Just tried it, and I couldn't get it to happen.

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