Its hard to evaluate a build based on a bad weapon. Since its your intent to use it, and the build's focus is it, it would be wise to either look at the benefits and attempt to maximize its effectiveness, or look at its faults and attempt to make the build resist those faults.
First and foremost, I see you have 34 STR, and no real shield, your intent is to 2 hand the weapon to get some good AR (although, I will say this once this post, the Cursed version will probably be better for almost everything you're doing). However, I also see that you have offensive sorceries. This to me, is a, whatsagoodword, impasse? You want to be up in their grill swinging and getting aggressive with lots of poise (which I just noticed, you do not have) and no shield, but want to stay back and use powerful sorceries? I think first things first, this build requires a lot of stat investment, your stats are too spread out to use sorceries effectively, and your HP/EL/Stamina is passable only because of RoFaP. I don't think your armor will preform as needed either.
I would suggest, since your focus is on the weapon itself, instead of sorceries, you should use miracles and sorceries that are static, once on, they stay on, and instead get your EL higher. I suggested you also increase your defensive values and try out other cool buffs, like Karmic Justice. If you stared off with Karmic Justice and Homing Soul Mass, you can just run in and fight like crazy (the extra range does help too). You may want to use heal instead of replenishment if you use Karmic Justice, if the need to heal is important to you. I also got it up to 28 FAI to use WOTG, because that is probably the best spell overall, however, 20 and force, is also not bad, especially since I don't think your focus should be anywhere near magic damage.
For your armor, I suggested something like Giant's set, since you are going to take some hits, it would be logical to have some high defensive values, and Elite Knight, since its moderate armor that, well I like it, and its not bad either, although Knights is overall better, you have a few extra points of EL to put towards soooo...
That's most of the changes I made, one more thing, I would suggest you go for the Wolf Ring, mid roll isn't bad, and when you are relentless attacking, usually rolling isn't as important, you would make the build better with heavier armor with mask of the..., but if you are going for ascetics, like a boss, then of course you can't use them