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    Looking for a mule


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    Looking for a mule Empty Looking for a mule

    Post by xzDennizx Wed Jul 25, 2012 4:58 pm

    Im looking for a mule on ps3
    If anyone wants to help please message me
    PSN: Musiccontrol

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    Looking for a mule Empty Re: Looking for a mule

    Post by Oran_G_Coon Sun Jul 29, 2012 7:14 pm

    I'm SL 11 so if you're in range I can carry stuff for you
    Demon Slayer
    Demon Slayer

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    Looking for a mule Empty Re: Looking for a mule

    Post by Demon Slayer Sun Jul 29, 2012 7:28 pm

    men you can,t just do that the mule will ruin all the awesomes of the game and please to all those ppl this section is for help not for mules glichers bb as well
    a lot of ppl as come before you and ant 1 of us respond cuz of that
    and is no so easy like hey i want a mule no men don,t do that
    also oran g con is the one i ever seen that replys this
    no hating
    this is what i think is just my opinion

    and really men the mule will ruined
    imaging if you want reach 120 for example with a mule is easy and whatever
    but you reach it by your own you gnna be proud of you did and of what you are capable off
    and oran no hating too men
    maybe you guys don,t see that run your game or something
    but in some form ruined

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    Location : ALL HAIL BRITANNIA!!!!

    Looking for a mule Empty Re: Looking for a mule

    Post by Oran_G_Coon Sun Jul 29, 2012 8:54 pm

    @ Demon Slayer: No offence taken. Still though, had no idea that muling was looked down on. I mean, the guy is taking a risk with the potential mule just keeping everything. Also, to mule stuff over means that the host acquired the items somehow beforehand, so they still needed to do some work to get it (unless it was given for free . . .)

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    Looking for a mule Empty Re: Looking for a mule

    Post by reim0027 Sun Jul 29, 2012 10:45 pm

    I assume you are asking someone to mule over every item in the game for you, using the bb glitch. We don't condone glitching like that on this forum.

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    Looking for a mule Empty Re: Looking for a mule

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