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    Light As A Feather, Strong As An Ox


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    Light As A Feather, Strong As An Ox - Page 2 Empty Re: Light As A Feather, Strong As An Ox

    Post by bloodpixel Tue Jul 31, 2012 9:32 am

    Flipping Mask Tank.
    End of discussion.
    Chosen Undead
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    Light As A Feather, Strong As An Ox - Page 2 Empty Re: Light As A Feather, Strong As An Ox

    Post by TehInfamousAmos Tue Jul 31, 2012 9:50 am

    Okay - dude, I have a decent set for you...

    Though may I suggest any tips for you?? This is how I would adjust your build to be a bit better

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    Light As A Feather, Strong As An Ox - Page 2 Empty Re: Light As A Feather, Strong As An Ox

    Post by Pesth Tue Jul 31, 2012 9:52 am

    he said he didnt want to use the havels ring

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    Light As A Feather, Strong As An Ox - Page 2 Empty Re: Light As A Feather, Strong As An Ox

    Post by DamageCK Tue Jul 31, 2012 6:37 pm

    Black Iron gaunts and greaves with the Wolf for 76 poise if you just HAVE to hit the UGS breakpoint (although, you don't). I think most players who fast roll will just use Wolf+whatever heavy gaunts look best if they want to hit the GS breakpoint. Personally, I'm cool with 40 poise now. Probably the best thing about creating a build without the DWGR is that you've always got a ring slot you can mix up whenever you need to. If I need extra poise, I've got it. Need extra pyro damage, BDCR. Check. Getting ganked, hornet. Check. And so on and so forth. Assuming you didn't have to use Havel's ring to hit 25% percent, that is. Bummer, strength builds (lookin' at you, Rant. Haha.)
    Forum Pirate
    Forum Pirate
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    Light As A Feather, Strong As An Ox - Page 2 Empty Re: Light As A Feather, Strong As An Ox

    Post by Forum Pirate Tue Jul 31, 2012 8:15 pm

    I frown upon anyone using any weapon other than their fist, any armor at all, and any ring but tiny beings.

    Looks like you cant do anything now OP.

    Point being, ignore everyone and play however you want, wearing whatever you want. If others disapproval binds you, you will soon be crushed under the weight of countless chains, each one preventing you from doing something the creator doesn't like.

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    Light As A Feather, Strong As An Ox - Page 2 Empty Re: Light As A Feather, Strong As An Ox

    Post by DamageCK Tue Jul 31, 2012 9:03 pm

    Forum Pirate wrote:I frown upon anyone using any weapon other than their fist, any armor at all, and any ring but tiny beings.

    Looks like you cant do anything now OP.

    Point being, ignore everyone and play however you want, wearing whatever you want. If others disapproval binds you, you will soon be crushed under the weight of countless chains, each one preventing you from doing something the creator doesn't like.

    You're back, my man. Glad to have you providing the dose of reality we all need sometimes. Mods, adjust his status to "Mr. Realtalk".
    Forum Pirate
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    Light As A Feather, Strong As An Ox - Page 2 Empty Re: Light As A Feather, Strong As An Ox

    Post by Forum Pirate Tue Jul 31, 2012 9:26 pm

    I do my best.

    People put so much emphsis on rules, honor, and fairness that the forget to enjoy themselves because others don't hold to the same ideals.

    I'm all for structured events or duels with rules beyond what the game provides, but those must be arranged. Outside of those events, enjoying yourself however you like and accepting that others will do the same seems the only logical thing to do unless one enjoys being angry.

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    Light As A Feather, Strong As An Ox - Page 2 Empty Re: Light As A Feather, Strong As An Ox

    Post by DamageCK Tue Jul 31, 2012 10:30 pm

    Mods, why isn't he Mr. Realtalk yet? Make it so. Please.
    Tyler Durden
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    Light As A Feather, Strong As An Ox - Page 2 Empty Re: Light As A Feather, Strong As An Ox

    Post by RANT Tue Jul 31, 2012 10:35 pm

    DamageCK wrote:Black Iron gaunts and greaves with the Wolf for 76 poise if you just HAVE to hit the UGS breakpoint (although, you don't). I think most players who fast roll will just use Wolf+whatever heavy gaunts look best if they want to hit the GS breakpoint. Personally, I'm cool with 40 poise now. Probably the best thing about creating a build without the DWGR is that you've always got a ring slot you can mix up whenever you need to. If I need extra poise, I've got it. Need extra pyro damage, BDCR. Check. Getting ganked, hornet. Check. And so on and so forth. Assuming you didn't have to use Havel's ring to hit 25% percent, that is. Bummer, strength builds (lookin' at you, Rant. Haha.)

    this is my build i just made about two weeks ago and its working pretty good, its so funny getting hate mail after only having about 10%vit left to parry them for a ohko, i tell them i have no poise and that i never once did i bs them and they bs me at least once.
    frealing tiny url is not working, damnit!!!!

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