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    Gravelord Sword


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    Gravelord Sword Empty Gravelord Sword

    Post by Raikan007 Mon Aug 06, 2012 8:49 am

    I pulled a sneaky and did the Catacombs before killing the Capra Demon and made it to the Coffin and entered the covenant to get the sword and miracle, needless to say I tried to kill Pinwheel as well with the Astoran Sword and SL like 20 something and got halfway then died..

    I am now SL36 or something, 24 STR, 13 DEX Cleric miracel/pyro build (nice mix build this) and am using this one handed then sometimes two handed (even though not much difference in damage)

    I have yet to see Toxin build up on anything yet.. I am dealing about 189 damage to the spiders scrags in Blightown per hit (I know poison/toxin wont affect much down there)

    Will this work for Quelaag? I have no other upgraded weapon as Shards are proving hard to farm/find etc and dont feel like spending 800 souls at Andre..

    Was it a clever move to go down there early and battle a tad to get it? What you think? Plus I have the Gravelord Sword dance miracle to add to a few of my others..

    Not sure exactly where I am going with this character to be honest, he might be a mixed bag of PYRO, Miracles and weapons/shields etc..

    Not going to PVP with it and only play PVE!

    Any tips?
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    Gravelord Sword Empty Re: Gravelord Sword

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Mon Aug 06, 2012 9:19 am

    Well, your sword IS building up Toxic. The reason you're not seeing it do so is because you're killing things before they can get Toxiced.

    You might be able to Toxic Quelaag because she has enough HP to take a lot of hits, thus allowing the Toxic to activate. But she might be immune to Poison, I'm not sure, and if that is the case, then, of course, she wouldn't get Toxiced.

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    Gravelord Sword Empty Re: Gravelord Sword

    Post by Raikan007 Mon Aug 06, 2012 9:25 am

    Yeah cheers, I knew about killing them before lol happy just cannot recall seeing the bar build up though.. I will try against Quelaag and report back my findings! 5hp per sec is going to take forever lol!

    thanks happy
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    Gravelord Sword Empty Re: Gravelord Sword

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Mon Aug 06, 2012 9:27 am

    You never see a Poison/Toxic/Bleed bar build up on enemies, it only pops up when you are the one suffering the attacks.

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    Gravelord Sword Empty Re: Gravelord Sword

    Post by Raikan007 Mon Aug 06, 2012 10:48 am

    any other comments about the build at present? suggestions?

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    Age : 71

    Gravelord Sword Empty Re: Gravelord Sword

    Post by Baiulus Mon Aug 06, 2012 11:52 am

    It's saying your talisman's magic adjust is 0.
    I'd advise switching to a Thorolund talisman until your faith is about 27+.
    Pyromancy is a good thing to add to any build, but you'll need to upgrade your glove to make your pyromancies more powerful.
    That strength is throwing me off for a good rounded build, so I'd explore the options of weapons you can get thanks to that 24 strength.
    Get better miracles and pyromancies, and try and up your dexterity so you can cast faster.
    And you should, of course, level up your endurance and vitality as you see fit.

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    Gravelord Sword Empty Re: Gravelord Sword

    Post by Raikan007 Tue Aug 07, 2012 5:07 am

    Baiulus wrote:It's saying your talisman's magic adjust is 0.
    I'd advise switching to a Thorolund talisman until your faith is about 27+.
    Pyromancy is a good thing to add to any build, but you'll need to upgrade your glove to make your pyromancies more powerful.
    That strength is throwing me off for a good rounded build, so I'd explore the options of weapons you can get thanks to that 24 strength.
    Get better miracles and pyromancies, and try and up your dexterity so you can cast faster.
    And you should, of course, level up your endurance and vitality as you see fit.

    please could you elaborate a tad on the magic adjust 0 comment, I am very new to miracles (and even spells)

    Pyro flame is now on +5 (use it often so that is all sorted)

    just not clued up on talismans though..

    Yeah Dex is going to come up to about 18 for the Black Knight Weapons I have, used the BKS for most of the first playthrough so not going to use it again!

    VIT and END are the next things I am going to be investing in after upgrading some of my weapons and armour!

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