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Jester's Tears
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    Jester's Tears
    Jester's Tears

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    Post by Jester's Tears Wed Aug 15, 2012 10:32 pm

    So i was in the Undead Burg and i got summoned, Of course the summoner was a Mask + Havel user wich some of you guys that i HATE. So i decided to be a troll big grin

    After we bowed and everything he started using ''Eyes Of Death''. After a while TWO phantoms invaded wich seemed to be partners since they were wearing the same Armor, and the same weapon. Since the summoner were a NORMAL mask user, he wanted me to the dirty work...Ain't happening.
    I ran to the bridge where the Firebomb throwers are (I cleared out the area for him :3) and i equiped the Gigant's Shield and just stood there whit my shield raised. Like the idiot he was, he ran onto the bridge thinking that i was just protecting myself and would let him pass once he got close.

    He got catched at the middle of the bridge since the other guy did the same thing

    Guy > ___*Summoner*__< Me. He was trapped big grin. The other phantom used Toxic breath and he apparently diden't have the White flower wich cures it...RIGHT before he died i walked away so he could pass trough...He died right infront of me...I prayed for him. : lol!

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    Post by PaPaSmVrf Wed Aug 15, 2012 10:39 pm

    I remember when I first got invaded on dark souls, the invader messaged me to give me all of my slabs, I didn't even know what they were, so he messaged back what they were. I asked more Q's and it turned into a huge learning experence where he gave me a TON of information, he even was nice enough to leave me 4 titanite shards to get started silly
    Jester's Tears
    Jester's Tears

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    Post by Jester's Tears Wed Aug 15, 2012 10:52 pm

    PaPaSmVrf wrote:I remember when I first got invaded on dark souls, the invader messaged me to give me all of my slabs, I didn't even know what they were, so he messaged back what they were. I asked more Q's and it turned into a huge learning experence where he gave me a TON of information, he even was nice enough to leave me 4 titanite shards to get started silly

    Funny...When i first got invaded he Backstabbed me and kicked me off a ledge...WHY CAN'T PEOPLE BE NICE?

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    Post by philtitan Wed Aug 15, 2012 10:57 pm

    I managed to kill my first invader. Managed to kick them off a cliff in darkroot basin. Don't know how as I was terrified at the time. Maybe it was their 'first' too.

    So that makes my record a solid 1 - approx. 250

    I'm not very good at pvp.

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    Post by Azran Wed Aug 15, 2012 11:00 pm

    I've went with BB glitched characters gifting away stacks of 50 Humanity to people who are in starter gear. That way, they can avoid being griefed.

    It's funny, because when they see me with no shield, they attack me. I pull my +10 Fire and attack once - removing half of their health. Once they are scared, they run away. That gives me time to drop humanities and BC out. silly
    Jester's Tears
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    Post by Jester's Tears Wed Aug 15, 2012 11:00 pm

    philtitan wrote:I managed to kill my first invader. Managed to kick them off a cliff in darkroot basin. Don't know how as I was terrified at the time. Maybe it was their 'first' too.

    So that makes my record a solid 1 - approx. 250

    I'm not very good at pvp.

    Same here, the only time i ACTUALLY lands a backstab is when the Victim/Invader isen't Agro on me. Everyone else seems to land backstabbs 10 feet infront of me.

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    Post by philtitan Wed Aug 15, 2012 11:28 pm

    Talk about a sad pvp'er. They don't even BS me usually. Just kill me outright. I'm sure they are interested in the BS, but they just never get the chance, I am waaaaaay too good at rolling off cliff or throwing mself onto their sword before they know what's happening. I imagine that most invaders are left a bit unsatisfied. That's my revenge I guess...

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    Post by ViralEnsign_ Thu Aug 16, 2012 1:26 am

    Wait he used eyes of death to summon two phantoms? in the middle of your fight? But you can only use one at a time and even then you had the patience to wait around for two SoV's to inavde to help you?

    That has to be some serious dedication to completely trashing this guy.

    I would have gone at him asap and claimed an easy EoD for my trouble.

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    Post by ICEFANG Thu Aug 16, 2012 2:04 am

    You were a white phantom? Its not possible to use Eye of Death when you are getting help from other players.

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    Post by ViralEnsign_ Thu Aug 16, 2012 2:18 am

    I know..... I just didnt want to be the one to say it......

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    Post by philtitan Thu Aug 16, 2012 2:23 am

    There's a guy running around the Parish Pwning ppl. He slaughtered me when I tried to bow. My fault I guess, but he was across the room. He seems experienced, I figured he would bow back. He has now killed 3 hosts I was with(+ me) He has what looks to be Smoughs armor and some big sword. But I'm only SL13 so he has to be low to middle...

    Wish I was better at pvp. Esp. with Pyro. Is it possible to wreck shop with Pyro? I only see ppl w/ weapons.


    I think MAYBE a BKSword? I die fast.

    Last edited by philtitan on Thu Aug 16, 2012 2:24 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Moment of clarity)

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    Post by ICEFANG Thu Aug 16, 2012 2:25 am

    If you're on xbox I'll help you out with PvP and learn ya. People used to wreck with pyros in 1.03, but since then, most players won't go pure pyro. It has some distinct disadvantages, but it is nice to have so much EL for your armor. I was just trying a naked dragonoid no weapon just pyro build. Its dang hard to kill other people at close range with no poise.

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    Post by philtitan Thu Aug 16, 2012 2:31 am

    I got no poise...

    I got no poise...

    Song of the pyromancer with tattered clothes.

    Man I'm down. I'll PM you, we can set something up.

    Someone go to the parrish with humanity. I swear you'll get invaded by this dude. Maybe he's a forum member? His handle rhymes with 'frikken...' I don't have any animosity. But it sucks to be handled when you are trying to be cool. The host was waiting outside and was gonna wait for us to fight. I guess he kinda did though...I lost as usual. This is the downside to my helper plan, I gotta be able to protect the host!

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    Post by Phantasmio Thu Aug 16, 2012 3:52 am

    Azran wrote:I've went with BB glitched characters gifting away stacks of 50 Humanity to people who are in starter gear. That way, they can avoid being griefed.

    It's funny, because when they see me with no shield, they attack me. I pull my +10 Fire and attack once - removing half of their health. Once they are scared, they run away. That gives me time to drop humanities and BC out. silly
    Look at Robin Hood here, hahah tongue
    That's cool, though. Meeting a kind invader always brings some warmth to an inexperienced player's heart. Surprising too, but it's just cool how people use an item designed to cause death and destruction to instead create peace and growth.
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    Jester's Tears
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    Post by Jester's Tears Thu Aug 16, 2012 10:00 am

    ICEFANG wrote:You were a white phantom? Its not possible to use Eye of Death when you are getting help from other players.

    He started doing the ''Prayer'' gesture thingy so i figured he was using Eyes of Death, dunno. It was at least Two Spirits of Vengeance that invaded.
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    Post by DoughGuy Thu Aug 16, 2012 10:02 am

    He was probably using dried finger.

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    Post by lordgodofhell Thu Aug 16, 2012 5:25 pm

    DoughGuy wrote:He was probably using dried finger.

    and as usual, DoughGuy beats me to the answer lol
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    Post by sparkly-twinkly-lizard Fri Aug 17, 2012 3:00 am

    my first invader wore full havels... i was a thief with a bandits knife and knew nothing about criticals... he had 50 hp left before i backstepped off a ledge... all that just from bleed:D later i met one who wanted to fight pantoms and had me summon them repeatedly... he gave me a lighting lucerne at the end of it... used it for the rest of the game...

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