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    statues in sens


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    statues in sens Empty statues in sens

    Post by mattm28 Sun Aug 19, 2012 5:44 pm

    i was just wondering if anyone knew anything about the silver knight statues in sens fortress? why are they there in such a huge number whats their purpose and so on

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    statues in sens Empty Re: statues in sens

    Post by X-government-agent Sun Aug 19, 2012 7:00 pm

    what I wana know is who the hell is sen? I found no mention of him in the game atall. I think the knights are there as a symbol of protection over anor londo maybe
    Dragon Slayer Ornstein
    Dragon Slayer Ornstein

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    statues in sens Empty Re: statues in sens

    Post by Dragon Slayer Ornstein Wed Aug 29, 2012 10:18 am

    mattm28 wrote:i was just wondering if anyone knew anything about the silver knight statues in sens fortress? why are they there in such a huge number whats their purpose and so on

    Well, Sen's Fortress is a fortress designed to TEST warriors trying to make it to Anor Londo, we can more or less come to that conclusion from the description of the Iron Golem's Torso Armor.

    "Body of the Iron Golem, guardian of the
    ancient Sen's Fortress, slayer of heroes who
    ventured forth to Anor Londo."

    Hence the reason why the statues are there, they could just have been there as reserves or replacements for the ones in Anor Londo, or maybe they were already planning to move them to Anor Londo but never did, it's very hard to know their real purpose for being there.

    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    statues in sens Empty Re: statues in sens

    Post by DoughGuy Wed Aug 29, 2012 7:15 pm

    There is already a thread like this with some info here -

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