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    Rumor that I heard awhile back...Is it true?


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    Rumor that I heard awhile back...Is it true? Empty Rumor that I heard awhile back...Is it true?

    Post by Oh_the_Humanity Tue Feb 07, 2012 11:53 pm

    Awhile back I heard a rumor (cant remember where) that some wall can only be broken down with a certain fully upgraded weapon. I'm leaning towards this being false since I haven't heard anything on the subject since but, man wouldn't that be cool big grin
    Anyone hear anything similar to this?
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    Rumor that I heard awhile back...Is it true? Empty Re: Rumor that I heard awhile back...Is it true?

    Post by Serious_Much Tue Feb 07, 2012 11:54 pm

    Nope, false.

    some people thought you might be able to smash centipede demon's giant door but no avail.

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    Rumor that I heard awhile back...Is it true? Empty Re: Rumor that I heard awhile back...Is it true?

    Post by Oh_the_Humanity Tue Feb 07, 2012 11:58 pm

    Thats what I was just wishful thinking big grin
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    Rumor that I heard awhile back...Is it true? Empty Re: Rumor that I heard awhile back...Is it true?

    Post by Serious_Much Wed Feb 08, 2012 12:01 am

    heh, you should have been around for the wishful thinking thread on old forums, 1700 replies with nothing discovered. was a bit depressing by the end of it.

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    Rumor that I heard awhile back...Is it true? Empty Re: Rumor that I heard awhile back...Is it true?

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