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    Weird rumor...

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    Weird rumor... Empty Weird rumor...

    Post by Reaperfan Mon Jun 04, 2012 12:20 am

    So I was reading the TV Tropes page for Demon's Souls, and I came across something that sounded pretty interesting. Someone claimed you could parry the Penetrator. I've never even considered trying this and I'm quite a ways away from him in any of my playthroughs right now to test it myself. Anybody able to confirm/deny this?
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    Weird rumor... Empty Re: Weird rumor...

    Post by Forum Pirate Mon Jun 04, 2012 12:25 am

    Havent tried, seems risky.

    To be fair, I never parried anyone ever, or got parried for that matter. Just Slapped things around with a great axe, or dbs.

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    Weird rumor... Empty Re: Weird rumor...

    Post by Pallash Mon Jun 04, 2012 7:59 am

    Nah, you can't parry any boss attacks, well you can parry the attack, but it won't let you riposte them.

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    Weird rumor... Empty Re: Weird rumor...

    Post by BoilerFan8472 Mon Jun 04, 2012 11:19 am

    It's much easier just to get Biorr. He'll take at least 3 of those death stab attacks lol cheers

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    Weird rumor... Empty Re: Weird rumor...

    Post by SlakeMoth Wed Jun 20, 2012 6:11 pm

    Parry in haste, repent at leisure.

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    Weird rumor... Empty Re: Weird rumor...

    Post by Azran Wed Jun 20, 2012 9:41 pm

    You can parry that?

    Remember TVtropes has the "No Notability" thing. Anyone can come and write whatever they want in there, and since there's also a "No Negativity" rule, you can't complain, since Tropes are not Bad.

    It's just good for game trivia, basically. And just as long as you stay out of the foruns.

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