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    Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July?


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    Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July? Empty Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July?

    Post by Juutas Sat May 18, 2013 7:00 am

    My opinion: possible and welcome release date, but I'm still thinkin October happy would be nice to have it early though~

    What do you guys think?
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    Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July? Empty Re: Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July?

    Post by Dibsville Sat May 18, 2013 7:03 am

    I doubt it, the trailer wasn't released very long ago and during that time they said they were nowhere near done.
    Then again, only two more months... that'd be kind of nice.

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    Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July? Empty Re: Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July?

    Post by steveswede Sat May 18, 2013 7:08 am

    Honest opinion, no. The reason I think this is just bull crap is because sites like to post unfounded stuff to get site views. Considering we know that DkS2 is being treated like a AAA release, the advertizements for it will be in the bucket load and well in time before release. I would wait until Bandai Namco say something and just ignore anything else as 99.9% of the time this type of speculation is always false.

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    Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July? Empty Re: Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July?

    Post by Juutas Sat May 18, 2013 7:14 am

    Dibsville wrote:I doubt it, the trailer wasn't released very long ago and during that time they said they were nowhere near done.
    Then again, only two more months... that'd be kind of nice.

    Now here's a thought:
    the game was basically done at the time they showed the 10-12 min demo with IGN and it was ooooold footage. Why? because EDGE magazine was showed roughly 10 min tech demo months earlier (Same footage, mmm?).
    They are just probably testing fan reactions now so they can add/remove/reshape some things based on the opinions awaken by the tech demo.
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    Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July? Empty Re: Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July?

    Post by Serious_Much Sat May 18, 2013 7:42 am

    I think they'll wait a bit longer- besides they have a definitive 2 year release cycle- FROM seem to like october a lot too

    Released demons in america and dark souls was released to everywhere (except japan who already had it) in october

    I think it's gonna come around october- and there will be a shed load of ads in september promoting it i reckon

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    Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July? Empty Re: Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July?

    Post by Aevun Sat May 18, 2013 7:57 am

    That would be one of the oddest release dates possible.

    1: The game wouldn't have been in development long enough to be polished or contain the same amount of content as the first.

    2: It's in the middle of the summer, and as far as I know that means a lot of people on vacation which in turn means lower sales. Highly unlikely due to them emphasizing their desire to widen their audience.

    3: No marketing done two months before release? That's just illogical and potentially bad business practice. No way would a company with the intentions of widening their player base do this.

    4: They would have revealed the release date already if it was truly mere months away.

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    Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July? Empty Re: Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July?

    Post by Juutas Sat May 18, 2013 8:09 am

    Aevun wrote:That would be one of the oddest release dates possible.

    1: The game wouldn't have been in development long enough to be polished or contain the same amount of content as the first.

    2: It's in the middle of the summer, and as far as I know that means a lot of people on vacation which in turn means lower sales. Highly unlikely due to them emphasizing their desire to widen their audience.

    3: No marketing done two months before release? That's just illogical and potentially bad business practice. No way would a company with the intentions of widening their player base do this.

    4: They would have revealed the release date already if it was truly mere months away.

    Never get your hopes up before thinking critically about it Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July? 639795459

    1. Remember they have the team double the size of the first 2 games.

    2. As far as I know, summer games sell equally as much as other games, but most big games just aim their releases near winter holidays which is good business, but is risky thing to do with current gen games this year if the new consoles are gonna hit the market.

    3. the hype train for DkS2 started already 6 months ago

    4. This really seems kinda odd yes, but I guess we know more soon (probably at E3)

    I don't think the release date is on July either, but it's POSSIBLE since we don't really know how far in the production the game is at this point.

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    Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July? Empty Re: Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July?

    Post by steveswede Sat May 18, 2013 8:12 am

    Aevun wrote:2: It's in the middle of the summer, and as far as I know that means a lot of people on vacation which in turn means lower sales. Highly unlikely due to them emphasizing their desire to widen their audience.

    Hmm I don't think just after release sales are that important to From Software and Bandai Namco. I'm sure all companies like to maximize their sales just after release but I'm under the impression from the sales report of DkS that sales over the year is what From and Banco really pay attention to. The Souls series isn't a fad like most games so sales will most likely still be good years later and the PC platform will be best suited for this.

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    Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July? Empty Re: Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July?

    Post by wretchedsausage Sat May 18, 2013 8:43 am

    It would be really fantastic if it came out in July, providing that it is properly made and suitably well-polished. I agree with steveswede, they would be advertising a lot if the release date was already on the horizon.

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    Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July? Empty Re: Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July?

    Post by Aevun Sat May 18, 2013 9:02 am

    Juutas wrote:

    1. Remember they have the team double the size of the first 2 games.

    2. As far as I know, summer games sell equally as much as other games, but most big games just aim their releases near winter holidays which is good business, but is risky thing to do with current gen games this year if the new consoles are gonna hit the market.

    3. the hype train for DkS2 started already 6 months ago

    4. This really seems kinda odd yes, but I guess we know more soon (probably at E3)

    I don't think the release date is on July either, but it's POSSIBLE since we don't really know how far in the production the game is at this point.

    1. Why not make the game two times bigger and better instead of just 150%? 8)

    2. Thanks for clarifying

    3. Mostly among the pre-existing fans of the series. Namco and Fromsoft have already said they want to widen their audience.

    4. Hopefully we will get a demonstration of difficulty at e3 instead of a demonstration of game mechanics like we got with ign.

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    Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July? Empty Re: Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July?

    Post by Fayt Sat May 18, 2013 9:12 am

    Not going to get excited until I get a confirmed date. Though a July release would be cool. happy
    A Fierce Plankton
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    Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July? Empty Re: Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July?

    Post by A Fierce Plankton Sat May 18, 2013 1:41 pm

    Namco Bancdai just said that they will treat dks 2 as a AAA title, including the marketing part. As far as I know, no real marketing has started yet, so a July release seems very unlikely. Also, gametrailers lists the release date as being 10/29/13, this seems a lot more probable to me.

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    Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July? Empty Re: Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July?

    Post by Sargerus Sat May 18, 2013 1:45 pm

    there is NO WAY this game will be released less than 2 months from now

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    Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July? Empty Re: Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July?

    Post by Frit Sat May 18, 2013 3:28 pm

    October - December sounds more realistic.
    Soris Ice Goldwing
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    Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July? Empty Re: Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July?

    Post by Soris Ice Goldwing Sat May 18, 2013 3:38 pm

    That is a false rumor. That would mean a half or less finished game filled with bugs and broken mechanics. That would ruin from and all of us.

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    Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July? Empty Re: Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July?

    Post by Wilkinson3424 Sat May 18, 2013 3:40 pm

    DkS2 won't come out for a while, if there is anything I know about souls games, it's that they don't release it right when it's playable. They want to make it the best it can be, so just be patient.

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    Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July? Empty Re: Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July?

    Post by Juutas Sat May 18, 2013 3:45 pm

    Wilkinson3424 wrote:DkS2 won't come out for a while, if there is anything I know about souls games, it's that they don't release it right when it's playable. They want to make it the best it can be, so just be patient.

    There was 2 years between the last two souls games, so it's not that suprising if they release it rather soon, like in october that isn't actually that far away anymore.

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    Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July? Empty Re: Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July?

    Post by steveswede Sat May 18, 2013 3:49 pm

    My speculation here. If it's playable at E3, I think it will be released this year. If not I believe it will be next October.

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    Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July? Empty Re: Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July?

    Post by Juutas Sat May 18, 2013 4:24 pm

    steveswede wrote:My speculation here. If it's playable at E3, I think it will be released this year. If not I believe it will be next October.

    Just think about the new consoles for a bit here, it cannot be next year, expecially not so late next year. It would never meet the sales they're hoping for.

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    Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July? Empty Re: Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July?

    Post by steveswede Sat May 18, 2013 4:48 pm

    Juutas wrote:
    steveswede wrote:My speculation here. If it's playable at E3, I think it will be released this year. If not I believe it will be next October.

    Just think about the new consoles for a bit here, it cannot be next year, expecially not so late next year. It would never meet the sales they're hoping for.

    The transition between each generation is a slow process. The second to third year is when it usually shifts, though from what I gather it happens at different rates per country. If it is released next year in October it won't really affect sales but it would be the last year to get maximum profit.

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    Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July? Empty Re: Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July?

    Post by Juutas Sat May 18, 2013 5:20 pm

    steveswede wrote:
    Juutas wrote:
    steveswede wrote:My speculation here. If it's playable at E3, I think it will be released this year. If not I believe it will be next October.

    Just think about the new consoles for a bit here, it cannot be next year, expecially not so late next year. It would never meet the sales they're hoping for.

    The transition between each generation is a slow process. The second to third year is when it usually shifts, though from what I gather it happens at different rates per country. If it is released next year in October it won't really affect sales but it would be the last year to get maximum profit.

    They already mentioned in the interview that they are making the game available for the fans as fast as possible and when they are having bigger team and base game already done (from the previous games) and they are working with a graphic engine they created themselves, I can't see it likely that they will postpone the release that late.

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    Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July? Empty Re: Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July?

    Post by Slarg232 Sat May 18, 2013 5:37 pm

    Juutas wrote:
    steveswede wrote:
    Juutas wrote:
    steveswede wrote:My speculation here. If it's playable at E3, I think it will be released this year. If not I believe it will be next October.

    Just think about the new consoles for a bit here, it cannot be next year, expecially not so late next year. It would never meet the sales they're hoping for.

    The transition between each generation is a slow process. The second to third year is when it usually shifts, though from what I gather it happens at different rates per country. If it is released next year in October it won't really affect sales but it would be the last year to get maximum profit.

    They already mentioned in the interview that they are making the game available for the fans as fast as possible and when they are having bigger team and base game already done (from the previous games) and they are working with a graphic engine they created themselves, I can't see it likely that they will postpone the release that late.

    Bigger Teams in bigger budget titles means more content, not fast content.

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    Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July? Empty Re: Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July?

    Post by chaos4ever181 Tue May 21, 2013 1:37 pm

    Aevun wrote:That would be one of the oddest release dates possible.

    1: The game wouldn't have been in development long enough to be polished or contain the same amount of content as the first.

    2: It's in the middle of the summer, and as far as I know that means a lot of people on vacation which in turn means lower sales. Highly unlikely due to them emphasizing their desire to widen their audience.

    3: No marketing done two months before release? That's just illogical and potentially bad business practice. No way would a company with the intentions of widening their player base do this.

    4: They would have revealed the release date already if it was truly mere months away.

    Never get your hopes up before thinking critically about it Praise the Sun

    Agree. It would be stupid to release the game 3 months after the US 10 min demo with no other ads or trailers. Unless they just want to be vague on details, I can't see this coming out in July. If their asking for opinions, I say develop it more and extend the release. I can wait for an August(that's when the PC port released)-October(All Souls games including the console DLC came out in October) release.
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    Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July? Empty Re: Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July?

    Post by Jim Jam 94 Wed May 22, 2013 2:25 am

    360 Games will not be compatible with the new Xbox and since the new xbox will be released soon, that needs to be considered since they will make less money if people can't play it...
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    Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July? Empty Re: Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July?

    Post by Jim Jam 94 Wed May 22, 2013 2:26 am

    360 Games will not be compatible with the new Xbox and since the new xbox will be released soon, that needs to be considered since they will make less money if people can't play it...

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    Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July? Empty Re: Rumor: Dark Souls 2 to be released 5th of July?

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