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    Lost Phantoms of Oolacile


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    Lost Phantoms of Oolacile Empty Lost Phantoms of Oolacile

    Post by Artorias_Abysswalker Tue Aug 21, 2012 2:15 pm


    Legend has it from Oolacile, those that were once invited, resurrected they're bodies and spirit to this world, Lordran. They have all come from Royality, Nobles, Sages and perhaps ancient lands of Catarina and Zena. Uniting to estimate the Dark worlds, and assist one another from they're diffrent origins of once living bodies hoping to destroy the Dark once and for all. They share they're stories of once living and now to unite all once ancient knowledge, scattered and torn throughout Time, kept secret by those in power, to convolute and weaken the spirits from these otherworlds.

    We could assume that anyone or player that particpates in this clan, that those who wish to show how they're most skilled builds and useful tactics can assist them and others to unite this world back with otherworld warriors and sorcerers. This clan is not restricted but limited to how you conduct yourself in play, those wishing to seek other's or to help, should keep in mind that your representing yourself to other's therefore wearing proper set armour and proper spell builds should be limited to each player's character build (Only one build per character and only one title per as well). With that though, a title can be granted to you, either by higher ranked members or if your high enough rank, (Elite) you may give yourself the title and bio for your character.

    Clan Objectives: Co-op, and PVP Co-op. Players can join if they are willing to help those to get to higher levels for and until NG ++++++.If you want to lower chances of invasions, lag stabs, Afking, Suiciding or bad players and hatemail, i suggest this clan. (For example, Sunbros and Princess Guard Covenants would perfer this)

    Accepted Covenants: Princess Guard, Warrior of Sunlight and if convienent Way of White or Darkwraith.

    Code of Conduct & Honour 7: (any suggestion to change?)

    - Do not bow if you dont have to, bow if your dueler is bowing to create telepathy.
    _ No 2vs1, 3vs1, unless otherwise or player does not show telepathy as above.
    _ If you invade, only invade as Darkwraith or if your part of Cov. Way of White.
    - When in a present session, if the Host decides to end it, you must both agree or host sends a message to that member saying so.
    - Healing in any gameplay is encouraged, Divine Blessings should not be duped.
    - Show patience and respect if your being assisted by a member.
    - Invaders, using teamplay unless invader does not show telepathy shows no respect, should and will be defeated.

    Rankings: (any suggestion to change?)

    Ex: [Your PSNID Name] - [Title] (Titles only reserved for Elite Members.)













    * 1. Commanders - [COM] (I or anyone i pick)

    * 2. Elite - [ELT] (Members with special privledge advised by the Commander.)

    * 3. Veteran - [VET] (New members that can be promoted by the Elite members, they can take part in special events.) (any suggestion to change?)

    * 4. Novice - [NOV] (Promoted by Veteran or Elite, and can not participate in special events)

    * 5. Members that are new to the clan can tryout, all though certain amount of hours should be considered until becoming a Novice member. (Veteran members, Elite members and anyone else privledged by a higher ranked member can invite new members that wish to tryout.) (any suggestion to change?)

    Covenant Clan Listings:

    * Sir Artorias - Level 171 - NG+5
    * Vice Commander [Currently looking]

    - [#][SLG][PSNID] [W/LRATIO] [SCORE]

    - [#] Represents Ladder Ranking, [1 - 200]
    * [E] = SOUL LEVELS: 25 - 50
    * [D] = SOUL LEVELS: 50 - 75
    * [C] = SOUL LEVELS: 75 - 100
    * [B] = SOUL LEVELS: 100 - 125
    * [A] = SOULS LEVELS: 125 - 150
    * [S] = SOUL LEVELS: 150 - 175
    - [SCORE] Represents:

    * 1 WIN = +1 Point, 1 LOSE = -1 Point

    Conclusion: If anyone enjoys good PVP or challenging a boss in NG+, (encouraged) i would suggest this clan for newer players willing to make some time and commitment and or those that can help any other Soul Level progress. Verse this with players that will ruin your progress, that i have implied is quite common with free lance players, this makes members more willing to make the commitment to the clan. I advise those that are wishing to help other members will stick to the games original (Default) style of gameplay, and roleplay is welcomed.

    Last edited by Artorias_Abysswalker on Mon Aug 27, 2012 4:54 pm; edited 10 times in total

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    Lost Phantoms of Oolacile Empty Re: Lost Phantoms of Oolacile

    Post by whitechikz11 Tue Aug 21, 2012 6:59 pm

    4th clone?

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    Lost Phantoms of Oolacile Empty Re: Lost Phantoms of Oolacile

    Post by Artorias_Abysswalker Tue Aug 21, 2012 7:40 pm

    whitechikz11 wrote:4th clone?
    Oh, so you seem to know how to troll, since you know about my other 3 posts which no thanks to you, none bothered to say that i could edit my topic. See first post, i said it was my first time on forums, never did anything wrong.
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    Lost Phantoms of Oolacile Empty Re: Lost Phantoms of Oolacile

    Post by DoughGuy Tue Aug 21, 2012 7:42 pm

    Mate he's not trolling you. No one knew why you were making multiple posts, you just needed to ask. He's just wondering why you made 4 of the same thread.

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    Lost Phantoms of Oolacile Empty Re: Lost Phantoms of Oolacile

    Post by Artorias_Abysswalker Tue Aug 21, 2012 8:00 pm

    DoughGuy wrote:Mate he's not trolling you. No one knew why you were making multiple posts, you just needed to ask. He's just wondering why you made 4 of the same thread.
    Actually i already know that information, what most of you didnt know was i was posting for the first time on a forums, sad that most of they replys never did mention that i could edit my original topic..
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    Lost Phantoms of Oolacile Empty Re: Lost Phantoms of Oolacile

    Post by DoughGuy Tue Aug 21, 2012 8:05 pm

    Mate I understand that, but you never asked if you could edit topic titles or explained why you were posting the same thing over and over. Please dont blame people for not doing something you didnt ask them to do.

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    Lost Phantoms of Oolacile Empty Re: Lost Phantoms of Oolacile

    Post by Artorias_Abysswalker Tue Aug 21, 2012 8:23 pm

    DoughGuy wrote:Mate I understand that, but you never asked if you could edit topic titles or explained why you were posting the same thing over and over. Please dont blame people for not doing something you didnt ask them to do.
    No suggestions really, most of it has been waste of time, not my fault for posting 4 times, not so smart none of you experienced enough on these forums to even help out, it took 4 posts to figure it out on my own. Also i can't see the whole forum screen or else i would have seen the Edit click much easier. many times am i going to say ''im new, this is my first time'' seems thats where all the helpful replys are stuck at the moment. rofl
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    Lost Phantoms of Oolacile Empty Re: Lost Phantoms of Oolacile

    Post by cloudyeki Tue Aug 21, 2012 8:30 pm

    Best check your private messages, then. I know you atleast have one PM. And You should see bout joining one of the few other active covenant's first, see how things are really done with them.

    Buddy, most 'new' covenants die because a new guy who doesn't really know anyone tries to start one up. So I say you take some time to play with as many forum members first.

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    Lost Phantoms of Oolacile Empty Re: Lost Phantoms of Oolacile

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Tue Aug 21, 2012 8:35 pm

    Yeah give it a week and see if you get a following.

    Perhaps ever tailor the ranks or lore to suit the new theme. So instead of basic ranks like elite, recruit, etc

    why not find title to reflect Oolacile?

    If you need help with lore or a cov sales pitch etc Dough and I are the guys to ask unless you already have that handled.

    But even so I still reccommned you try and joing another User Covenant before making one of your own so you can see how one operates.

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    Lost Phantoms of Oolacile Empty Re: Lost Phantoms of Oolacile

    Post by Artorias_Abysswalker Tue Aug 21, 2012 8:39 pm

    cloudyeki wrote:Best check your private messages, then. I know you atleast have one PM. And You should see bout joining one of the few other active covenant's first, see how things are really done with them.

    Buddy, most 'new' covenants die because a new guy who doesn't really know anyone tries to start one up. So I say you take some time to play with as many forum members first.
    No, i already did check PMs, you got a point though, it clarifies things, so i will add names here, for those i already have added on PSN..

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    Lost Phantoms of Oolacile Empty Re: Lost Phantoms of Oolacile

    Post by Tristan Tue Aug 21, 2012 11:14 pm

    You might want to create another one on the account that some of these responses don't sound exceptionally friendly. lol!

    I'm just Joshin'... but seriously... It's getting dirty up in here... silly

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    Lost Phantoms of Oolacile Empty Re: Lost Phantoms of Oolacile

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Wed Aug 22, 2012 12:00 am

    Umbassa Zealot wrote:You might want to create another one on the account that some of these responses don't sound exceptionally friendly. lol!

    I'm just Joshin'... but seriously... It's getting dirty up in here... silly

    Bro its nothing of the sort. We are trying to help but I think we came off a bit arrogant.

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    Lost Phantoms of Oolacile Empty Re: Lost Phantoms of Oolacile

    Post by Artorias_Abysswalker Sat Aug 25, 2012 9:09 pm

    UPDATED the requirements, please check the spoilers for any suggestions.

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