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    Fire and chaos weapons


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    Fire and chaos weapons Empty Fire and chaos weapons

    Post by fujiphoenix Thu Aug 23, 2012 8:14 pm

    Is it even worth using these thins over lighting in pvp? I was going for a full fire build, with pyro and chaos weapons. I am level 98 and couldn't kill a fly in pvp. My chaos flamberge and great scythe do laughable damage even at chaos +5 with 10 humanity. Would switching to lighting make a big difference in damage?
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    Fire and chaos weapons Empty Re: Fire and chaos weapons

    Post by cloudyeki Thu Aug 23, 2012 8:18 pm

    at 98 elementals start losing out against the better armor and gear. It's not even worth getting lightning, but damage would be similar, if slightly better.

    What's your stats, maybe I could suggest something to help you out?

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    Fire and chaos weapons Empty Re: Fire and chaos weapons

    Post by fujiphoenix Thu Aug 23, 2012 8:33 pm

    Well, I've tryed a lot of characters and builds, but one that I hadn't tried yet was a vit gouge. So I'm shooting for 99 vit and 60 something endurance. I also have an egg head on this character, which is why I went chaos. I'm a chaos servent rank 3. But I can't kill anybody -_-
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    Fire and chaos weapons Empty Re: Fire and chaos weapons

    Post by cloudyeki Thu Aug 23, 2012 8:35 pm

    Chaos composite bow + fire/poison arrows. You're best bet is to play prolonged fights, drag them on and focus on chip damage more than kill shots.

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