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    A Deal to consider


    Posts : 1136
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    Join date : 2012-04-02
    Age : 31

    A Deal to consider Empty A Deal to consider

    Post by Digitalyzed Mon Aug 27, 2012 3:49 am

    Good day to everyone who's on at this time. Are any of you planning on buying Borderlands 2 standard edition and live in the US? I may be getting the Loot chest edition, but unfortunately it will be the American version and so I would not be able to play the game.

    What I offer here is getting the game, a few days after relese, but in mint condition and with a considerably lower price than in stores, postage paid for by myself of course. This deal obviously woulnd't have the free pre-order premier club, which is the one fault I can find, but for anyone who fancies the game for what (I think )is under $40, I'd be glad to work with you big grin

      Current date/time is Sat Nov 09, 2024 2:52 am