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    Pc prepare to die edition.


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    Join date : 2012-08-28

    Pc prepare to die edition. Empty Pc prepare to die edition.

    Post by Unknnnnn Tue Aug 28, 2012 11:44 pm

    I'm a hardcore gamer and enjoy a challenge. Never played this game because I'm actually a harcore PC gamer. But I did hear a lot about it, and wanted to try it out on my PS3 (which is currently collecting dust and is occasionally used to watch blue-ray movies).

    The 60 hours of gameplay I currently spent were the most brutal 60 hours of gameplay I ever spent. Never expected this game to be so brutal to beginners. In fact it was so brutal that when I faced the asylum demon for the first time with my broken sword I was thinking that this game was a waste of £29.99 and wanted to ragequit.

    Regardless 60 hours in, its probably the best rpg I ever played. Now I manged to discover dlc area. There are no walkthroughs or guides online to this area which makes me quite uncomfortable. I like to know what I'm doing. But I guess I have to take pride in the fact that I get to be a pioneer in here just like many others who dared venture here.

    I do believe I have an advantage however - my character is a tank named "Arrogance" and rightfully so, she never backs down from a challenge and only faces mechanical boars head on, never even bothers to attack anything from the back (that causes a lot of trouble for her in pvp, and quite often her remains end up on the walls and ceilings around the aforementioned boars).

    Well when I was faced with a boss as soon as I entered the DLC area I was quite happy.. I suppose this boss is designed to test or just slaughter the average adventurer. Didn't really use any tactics except in your face combat... Yes it is very newbish but leroy jenkins is my role model. After 8 flasks he went down.

    I moved on happy that I defeated another boss (which I'm sure many not-in-your-face players will find difficult). Was faced by some weak mobs that reminded me of fighting trees in darkroot. But then there is a giant with a hammer. I thought: oh well, EASY, I faced plenty of those in anor londo. Gonna greet hi.m wit.....WAWHEA. (This was my reaction to incredible damage that broke my unbreakable block)

    I'm done for today...

    Posts : 45
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    Join date : 2012-06-10
    Age : 31
    Location : England

    Pc prepare to die edition. Empty Re: Pc prepare to die edition.

    Post by Razorame Tue Aug 28, 2012 11:58 pm

    haha just one thing "Welcome to dark souls" happy

    Posts : 4
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    Join date : 2012-08-28

    Pc prepare to die edition. Empty Re: Pc prepare to die edition.

    Post by Unknnnnn Mon Sep 03, 2012 10:55 am

    Finished this game, feel like reviewing but unfortunately this game drained all energy out of me and I feel like I'm lying scattered across the floor, dying... With my dying breath I will say:


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    Pc prepare to die edition. Empty Re: Pc prepare to die edition.

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