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    A LOT of "failed to invade" on PC


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    A LOT of "failed to invade" on PC Empty A LOT of "failed to invade" on PC

    Post by midgeamoo Thu Aug 30, 2012 8:11 pm

    I don't know if it's me or GFWL or what, but I'm getting a lot more "failed to invade" with the red eye orb than I did on the 360 version some time back.

    Anybody else finding this? And is there something I could do to make them work more often. I get about 1 invasion per 25 tries on the orb.

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    A LOT of "failed to invade" on PC Empty Re: A LOT of "failed to invade" on PC

    Post by Derpwraith Thu Aug 30, 2012 10:28 pm

    I think it's because most people already bought it on the PS3/360 and that they don't want to buy the game AGAIN for PC?

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    A LOT of "failed to invade" on PC Empty Re: A LOT of "failed to invade" on PC

    Post by H3adShotty Thu Aug 30, 2012 11:27 pm

    InfiniteDoomsday wrote:I think it's because most people already bought it on the PS3/360 and that they don't want to buy the game AGAIN for PC?
    That wouldn't really be it as PtD was one of the top pre-orders on steam according to (can't remember who said it) It might be GfWL, or just the kink's From has to iron out.

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    A LOT of "failed to invade" on PC Empty Re: A LOT of "failed to invade" on PC

    Post by Gaxe Thu Aug 30, 2012 11:30 pm

    You know From ;D they don't like things that work so they break them.

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    A LOT of "failed to invade" on PC Empty Re: A LOT of "failed to invade" on PC

    Post by H3adShotty Fri Aug 31, 2012 1:33 am

    So far within the past few hours i have invaded one person... that's it, and i even left a sign in the chasm to be summoned... it's still there and i'm still human.

    Man, this is horrific... Tried every location about 10 times... i think it might be safe to say the traditional method of PvP might be dead.

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    A LOT of "failed to invade" on PC Empty Re: A LOT of "failed to invade" on PC

    Post by TheWarriorBeard Fri Aug 31, 2012 1:40 am

    I get invaded and also successful invasions in Oolacile Township constantly. It's the arena that I can never find a match in...

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    A LOT of "failed to invade" on PC Empty Re: A LOT of "failed to invade" on PC

    Post by H3adShotty Fri Aug 31, 2012 1:43 am

    TheWarriorBeard wrote:I get invaded and also successful invasions in Oolacile Township constantly. It's the arena that I can never find a match in...
    I tried there for about 30 minutes, that was where i invaded that one person... A LOT of "failed to invade" on PC 2707236321

    EDIT: Ah... finally getting some flow in... oh how i love how people message me not to kill them and leave, i kill them, then i get cussed out... The guilty pay the price! A LOT of "failed to invade" on PC 945058907

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    A LOT of "failed to invade" on PC Empty Re: A LOT of "failed to invade" on PC

    Post by Alara78 Fri Aug 31, 2012 11:03 am

    My guess is that the action should pick up soon, players are still getting to terms with the game, and playing mostly in hollow's only been out a week.

    Getting summoned is a pain now, summoning also results in a fail 90% of the time. But once you do summon someone, it seems you have a "connection" and it's easier to summon each other after that.

    Also, I have never gotten this much's awesome ! Gotta love the pc crowd haha

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    A LOT of "failed to invade" on PC Empty Re: A LOT of "failed to invade" on PC

    Post by suleo Fri Aug 31, 2012 1:00 pm

    Oolacile areas is where it's at right now. Lots of pvp action there. I had about 30 successful invasions last night. Even found some gankers and spawn point backstabbers.

    The worst type though are the guys that disconnect *when they die*. That's just lame.

    Conversely, catacombs, tombs of giants, demon ruins & izalith are dead. I didn't get invaded once and there were no summon signs in sight. At least that makes those parts of the game easier when PvE-ing.

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    A LOT of "failed to invade" on PC Empty Re: A LOT of "failed to invade" on PC

    Post by Pesth Fri Aug 31, 2012 2:14 pm

    the first arena match (at sl 99) takes like 5 min to start, after the first one i aways get fast battles

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