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Frank Poole
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    WTF is the Calamity Ring for?


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    WTF is the Calamity Ring for? Empty WTF is the Calamity Ring for?

    Post by ChizFreak Fri Aug 31, 2012 2:18 pm

    I mean really, it has to do something useful, there has to be a way in which it can be useful. First thing I though when I got it's that maybe there is some way to reflect damage or something, that way it would be useful but no way to do that.

    I mean really, I don't want to believe FromSoftware is trolling us again...

    Everyone! Look for something useful to do with it.

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    WTF is the Calamity Ring for? Empty Re: WTF is the Calamity Ring for?

    Post by deadagain Fri Aug 31, 2012 2:29 pm

    Where do u get this ring? Is it from the P2D edition?
    Frank Poole
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    WTF is the Calamity Ring for? Empty Re: WTF is the Calamity Ring for?

    Post by Frank Poole Fri Aug 31, 2012 2:35 pm

    It's probably just to make the game harder. Perhaps it might have some use in pvp, like using it with the red tearstone ring. Maybe it has some affect on Karmic Justice.

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    WTF is the Calamity Ring for? Empty Re: WTF is the Calamity Ring for?

    Post by FruitPunchNinja Fri Aug 31, 2012 2:38 pm

    to me it really just seems like a "hard mode" ring, which is pretty cool in my opinion. It would be even cooler if you got some secret bonus(even if it was just a cutscene or something) for beating the game with it on.

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    WTF is the Calamity Ring for? Empty Re: WTF is the Calamity Ring for?

    Post by Juutas Fri Aug 31, 2012 3:00 pm

    It doesn't help the case that in the interview they were really excited that the players would find this ring.
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    WTF is the Calamity Ring for? Empty Re: WTF is the Calamity Ring for?

    Post by ublug Fri Aug 31, 2012 4:35 pm

    Juutas wrote:It doesn't help the case that in the interview they were really excited that the players would find this ring.

    It better have a really good use then.

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    WTF is the Calamity Ring for? Empty Re: WTF is the Calamity Ring for?

    Post by Opedak Fri Aug 31, 2012 4:38 pm

    Any one try trading it to Snuggly yet?

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    WTF is the Calamity Ring for? Empty Re: WTF is the Calamity Ring for?

    Post by zzombieboy Fri Aug 31, 2012 4:39 pm

    I asked this as well lol (check link). So far, it does just seems like it's for Hard Mode, which is awesome in itself!

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    WTF is the Calamity Ring for? Empty Re: WTF is the Calamity Ring for?

    Post by onslaught990 Wed Oct 31, 2012 7:02 pm

    i personally have found a couple of uses for it, the first is you can use it with the symbol of avariance to speed it up a bit, with high vitality it can be a little tiresome to wait for 5 hp per click, so why not double it? XD though my real use for it is pvp, yes you heard right, PVP! i use an assasin style character with the gold and silver tracers, backstab, never get hit. if i do, zero poise (use the ninja armor from the swamp coz it looks AWESOME!) if i get hit the game is over. doesnt really make a difference, though i do look badass with the eye over my head. it is not only for bragging rights, it does have some benefits. a fight with another player is more psychological than what really happens in the game, picture with me if you will, you go into the arena, or you're in the forest, and you see a ninja with the highest crit weapon in the game and they eye over their head coming straight at you at full speeds. every single person goes on the defensive, thinking i got mad skills coz i put the ring on to "challenge myself" while theyre not attacking i can easily get behind and backstab, while in reality a bare knuckled punch would make me flinch! not only that, my inbox is full of people "respectfully recognising" my skill, while in reality im really nothing special. the ring is though... the ring.. what more could one ask for from an ingame item that makes other players cower in fear? that my friends, is it's use!

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    WTF is the Calamity Ring for? Empty Re: WTF is the Calamity Ring for?

    Post by Lancelot Wed Oct 31, 2012 7:44 pm

    It just increases the damage done to yourself. I wouldn't consider it trolling, either, since you don't have to wear it.

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    WTF is the Calamity Ring for? Empty Re: WTF is the Calamity Ring for?

    Post by Infighter Wed Oct 31, 2012 8:32 pm

    Complete a game taking double dmg from almost everything. For personal satisfaction ofc....

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    WTF is the Calamity Ring for? Empty Re: WTF is the Calamity Ring for?

    Post by Alastro Sun Dec 09, 2012 11:40 am

    I know this has been sorta of a dead topic, but I'm going to offer a suggestion: Karmic Justice.

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    WTF is the Calamity Ring for? Empty Re: WTF is the Calamity Ring for?

    Post by wolfboy Sun Dec 09, 2012 12:24 pm

    I really want to make a calamity ring build- sl 300+ forest hunter with 99 vit, 99 end, and calamity ring.... Probably use health regen items such as sanctus, butcher knife etc.... And possibly po

    I suspect it would scare opponents to see that eye...

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    WTF is the Calamity Ring for? Empty Re: WTF is the Calamity Ring for?

    Post by callipygias Fri Dec 14, 2012 7:50 pm

    Maybe there's a further meaning to the ring, but I just think it's a way to have an easy hard mode.

    I'm gonna do a calamity challenge!

    *Gets killed by mobs in Burg*

    Damn. Better take it off till I get my stain back.

    *Gets killed by Black Knight*

    Damn... well, I'll put it back on for the boss. That's the only real challenge anyway.

    *Dies 3 times to boss, removes ring, beats boss*

    This ring is just a stupid idea, it isn't like it's making the game harder, I had him down to practically no health almost every time, then he's just 1-shotting me is all. That's just stupid.


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    WTF is the Calamity Ring for? Empty Re: WTF is the Calamity Ring for?

    Post by chalka412 Sun Apr 14, 2013 5:05 am

    i think that in dark souls two they will have several if not most of the items found in this game (dark souls) such as the calamity ring and other real unmentionables like a backstory for the pendant and they could give it a subtle backdrop for like a lost loved one or a memento of a time long forgotten. the Calamity ring could be them giving us a hint at future PVP and arena i personally think that they waited a while the someone to come out with a generic algorithm that they could use to suck you in because the game several people have is going to be or at the very least has the chance to be a new world game to bridge the gaps i cant think of the words right now but the graphics are supposed to be stunning and mind blowing from what ive seen its looking pretty decent so far and right now is the first time ive seen the demo but id say they trying to change alot more than they should. and youll need a pretty powerful and theyre not really appealing to the american speaking nation because alot of items in the demo are pronounced to sound like asian verbs for what they call things not that i take offense to that but its others may be a little less entitled to buy the sequel to dark souls with such change i for one am not easily overcome with change but i am not the one to speak for others here a link for the demo

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    WTF is the Calamity Ring for? Empty Re: WTF is the Calamity Ring for?

    Post by WandererReece Sun Apr 14, 2013 9:37 am

    He joined just to necro a dead thread.
    Samurai Rabbit
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    WTF is the Calamity Ring for? Empty Re: WTF is the Calamity Ring for?

    Post by Samurai Rabbit Sat May 18, 2013 12:59 pm

    It seems to me that the Calamity Ring is essentially a "Hard Mode" or for doing challenges. It's there for the insane people that want to make this game harder winking

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    WTF is the Calamity Ring for? Empty Re: WTF is the Calamity Ring for?

    Post by δelta Fri Jul 12, 2013 1:32 am

    Samurai Rabbit wrote:It seems to me that the Calamity Ring is essentially a "Hard Mode" or for doing challenges. It's there for the insane people that want to make this game harder  winking

    How is it insanity? I'm using Agression mod and Calamity ring in concert - and god it is heaven... it's like everything charges and you're always on edge, because one hit can kill you(my vit is low, and i'm spamming green blossoms)

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