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    [Sl 100] Hyper Turtle


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    [Sl 100] Hyper Turtle Empty [Sl 100] Hyper Turtle

    Post by Seignar Fri Sep 07, 2012 3:31 am

    I calculate...maybe 300 minimum (is probably higher still) and 900 maximum per poke?
    I'm sure most people would freak out seeing half their Life Bar banish in 1 hit. Would you? 2, 3 hits tops is all it will take.

    Hyper Turtle

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    [Sl 100] Hyper Turtle Empty Re: [Sl 100] Hyper Turtle

    Post by WyrmHero Fri Sep 07, 2012 3:55 am

    Try a crystal Pike, and remove the BK Shield and the Uchi. You chose Giant set for surviving 1 hit and activating RTSR right? Fat rollers are easier to backstab than fast roll. Why not try Eagle Shield + light armor? If the Eagle Shield has 95 defense now it could activate RTSR without risk....

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    [Sl 100] Hyper Turtle Empty Re: [Sl 100] Hyper Turtle

    Post by zzombieboy Fri Sep 07, 2012 7:01 am

    I'm with Wyrm. If you're turtling you don't really need heavy armour, just a good shield. You could drop all that End for Vit instead. But I suppose light armour isn't very IRL Turtle-like, which is what you might be be going for silly You will get basically one-shotted with that though by any crystal spell (or the new stuff), most Pyro's and most scaling weapons with 40-Stat, regardless of Giants. Vit > Armour.

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    [Sl 100] Hyper Turtle Empty Re: [Sl 100] Hyper Turtle

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Fri Sep 07, 2012 7:17 am

    Immeadiately shift the Havels Great Crap to a tower sheild then shift str and end so that you have 35 Vit and 40 End.

    Now your poke build is better.

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    [Sl 100] Hyper Turtle Empty Re: [Sl 100] Hyper Turtle

    Post by Xskulled Fri Sep 07, 2012 8:01 am

    Looks like a very boring build to be honest..

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    [Sl 100] Hyper Turtle Empty Re: [Sl 100] Hyper Turtle

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Fri Sep 07, 2012 9:06 am

    It depends. While turtling is a valids strategy it would be fine, for me to play, if me took away the giants and replaced it with something a bit cooler looking.

    Plus the spear has an interesting move set.

    Id probably also pair my spear build up with a different spear and also shield.

    I'd go pike with Silver knigths and perhaps run golems armour if I wanted heavy or dark if I wanted medium.

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    [Sl 100] Hyper Turtle Empty Re: [Sl 100] Hyper Turtle

    Post by Jansports Fri Sep 07, 2012 9:34 am

    Most of the time I use hyper builds with the plan to start the fight in hyper mode, so I wear very little if any armor that matters, just a shield that rocks. (I tend to use crest or BK because not dying in 1 hit ti chip from magic or fire is important) other than that Leo+RTSR makes for some NASTY hits, I've gotten 800 some odd from a comp bow.

    I don't know how to advice, Planning to activate hyper mode during a fight seems so weird to me

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    [Sl 100] Hyper Turtle Empty Re: [Sl 100] Hyper Turtle

    Post by Seignar Fri Sep 07, 2012 1:54 pm

    remove the BK Shield and the Uchi. You chose Giant set for surviving 1
    hit and activating RTSR right? Fat rollers are easier to backstab than
    fast roll.
    You're under the assumption I'm trying to activate RTSR during the fight. BK is for tanking those pyromancies and stabbing. Uchi is for punishing BS fishers. I chose Giant because of the combination ofShield reduction + Armor reduction to minimize chip damage.

    You will get basically one-shotted with that though by any crystal spell
    (or the new stuff), most Pyro's and most scaling weapons with 40-Stat,
    regardless of Giants. Vit > Armour.
    This is under the assumption I have my shield lowered? Cause, strong shield + strong armor = low chip damage.

    Immediately shift the Havels Great Crap to a tower sheild then shift str and end so that you have 35 Vit and 40 End.
    Hyper poke build. Purpose is to be in Hyper Mode, not have a ton of HP. The tower shield doesn't protect well against lightning and even less against magic. Therefore I lose a lot of "safe" pokes.

    I don't know how to advice, Planning to activate hyper mode during a fight seems so weird to me
    Were all of you under the assumption I would enter at full HP? That is the whole reason I invested nothing in vitality!


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    [Sl 100] Hyper Turtle Empty Re: [Sl 100] Hyper Turtle

    Post by Jansports Fri Sep 07, 2012 2:03 pm

    Rolling fast is IMO more usefull for not eating a bunch of chip than shield tanking stuff, you only have so much stam, and stuff like GC/CSS you should be able to dodge rather than tank.

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    [Sl 100] Hyper Turtle Empty Re: [Sl 100] Hyper Turtle

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Fri Sep 07, 2012 8:32 pm

    What happens if they pull a shotel on you? You is a dead man?!

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    [Sl 100] Hyper Turtle Empty Re: [Sl 100] Hyper Turtle

    Post by zzombieboy Sat Sep 08, 2012 7:04 am

    You will get basically one-shotted with that though by any crystal spell
    (or the new stuff), most Pyro's and most scaling weapons with 40-Stat,
    regardless of Giants. Vit > Armour.

    This is under the assumption I have my shield lowered? Cause, strong shield + strong armor = low chip damage.

    But one backstab or riposte and you're a goner.

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    [Sl 100] Hyper Turtle Empty Re: [Sl 100] Hyper Turtle

    Post by goober0331 Sat Sep 08, 2012 12:50 pm

    PLayers are just gonna spam WoG or pyro AoE spells and slaughter you.

    And spears are easily parried

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