So this guy in Klin I invaded was naked and I went naked as well. Figured we were going to have a fist match, he parried my punch and immediately pulled out a BKGA to riposte one shot me. I was like whatever so I invaded again and he was fully suited with a washing pole/claymore. He kept rolling around nonstop and I couldn't really get a hit in with my Uchigatana so he was messing me up. Pulled out my Velka's Rapier and poked him to death all the way down from full health. His response was f*****g turtle, all you did was try to backstab me you pos(When I never even attempted one, I was just trying to get regular hits off and he just kept rolling around). Then he invaded me naked and I backstabbed him back to back saying I'm a f****t for killing someone naked despite him pulling a BKGA earlier. Anyways, I thought it was hilarious. Velka's Rapier ftw.