This is a game that appeals to teenagers, or early twenties. Lots of hot tempers abound in this age group, and flareups are bound to occur.
However, it doesn't mean that the topic in question should be shut down. It requires the people that can't hold their temper in check and that are insulting, derogatory, and mean to be held out of the conversation. The conversation itself is still valid.
How I handle these things on other forums is to issue a public warning of what was wrong with the post, with instructions to carry it to me privately without polluting the thread if they disagree. After that, it ramps up to instituting a temporary ban of half a day to a day for repeat offender, and gradually ramp it up.
The best, most interesting discussions are those with people with different viewpoints and in different camps. It is up to the individuals to discuss things in a civil manner, and the topic as a whole shouldn't be punished, along with all the people that are behaving, because a handful of people got upset and started flaming each other.
My 0.02.
Last edited by IV_Mark_VI on Tue Sep 11, 2012 4:00 pm; edited 1 time in total