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    Ruining Experiences 3 STOP LOCKING MY OPINION YOU NAZIS!


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    Join date : 2012-02-05

    Ruining Experiences 3 STOP LOCKING MY OPINION YOU NAZIS!  Empty Ruining Experiences 3 STOP LOCKING MY OPINION YOU NAZIS!

    Post by THRAX Sat Dec 29, 2012 2:37 pm

    PVP an invasion are not the same thing.

    I should not have to change the way I play the game to avoid some piece of trash invader coming into my game and ruining my experience.

    It has become a sick TURN ON or some sort of rush to invade someones game. PVP & invading are FEATURES of the game, they are not part of the game.

    So this is a fair warning, see the name THRAX when you in invade on the PSN, leave.

    If you don't think that's possible then your as dumb as I think you are. This will not be a violent confutation, but it will not be a pleasant one.

    I am sick of it! stop ruining my game and others! You people that invade,


    Do you get money?

    Do you get a free lunch?

    Some of you invaders are the most disrespectful gamers I have ever come across.

    Just who do you think you are?

    A broken down FANBOY whose buried out on Halo and Call of Duty, thats who you are.

    Town Crier
    Town Crier

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    Ruining Experiences 3 STOP LOCKING MY OPINION YOU NAZIS!  Empty Re: Ruining Experiences 3 STOP LOCKING MY OPINION YOU NAZIS!

    Post by Tolvo Sat Dec 29, 2012 2:38 pm

    I almost felt like pretending this was my alt account I trolled you guys with, almost.

    Well Reported, hopefully in the future you can relax a bit Thrax and enjoy the game.

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    Ruining Experiences 3 STOP LOCKING MY OPINION YOU NAZIS!  Empty Re: Ruining Experiences 3 STOP LOCKING MY OPINION YOU NAZIS!

    Post by Emergence Sat Dec 29, 2012 2:39 pm

    Hahaha. RIP in peace.

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