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    Areas with multiple Bosses


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    Areas with multiple Bosses Empty Areas with multiple Bosses

    Post by CompactNinja Sat Sep 15, 2012 8:32 am

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone knows how co-op is handled in areas with multiple bosses, such as Darkroot Garden having both the Moonlight Butterfly and Sif. Am I capable of finding and using summon signs until no bosses remain, or is there some sort of restriction in place?
    Forum Lord
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    Areas with multiple Bosses Empty Re: Areas with multiple Bosses

    Post by ublug Sat Sep 15, 2012 9:21 am

    Darkroot Garden is divided into two areas, but the layout can be a bit confusing.
    The Butterfly is the boss of the area between the titanite demon and the butterfly, including the lower area with the red frogs. It's also the Basin area boss (the Hydra is only a mini-boss which won't affect online play).
    Sif's area is beyond the crest of artorias door and down to the long basin ladder.

    The only areas with multiple bosses (you can still find co-op signs after killing one boss) are Anor Londo and the first part of the new DLC area.

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    Areas with multiple Bosses Empty Re: Areas with multiple Bosses

    Post by CompactNinja Sat Sep 15, 2012 10:34 am

    Alright, well in that case, how are the places that DO have multiple bosses, handled?
    Forum Lord
    Forum Lord

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    Areas with multiple Bosses Empty Re: Areas with multiple Bosses

    Post by ublug Sat Sep 15, 2012 12:34 pm

    Anor Londo is a special case, since you can even be invaded there after all the bosses are dead. The first area close to the firekeeper bonfire is also a non co-op/invasion area.
    I'm not 100% certain about the specific pvp details, since the outcome varies depending on which order you kill bosses and trigger events. There are some details in this post:


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