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    PVP/PVE pyro-faith or dex build - advice needed :)


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    PVP/PVE pyro-faith or dex build - advice needed :) Empty PVP/PVE pyro-faith or dex build - advice needed :)

    Post by wulf Thu Sep 20, 2012 8:35 am

    Hi everyone,

    I´m new to this wonderful game and new to this forum, so please forgive me my maybe noobish-sounding questions happy
    I´m currently on my first playthrough, right before fighting Sif for the first time and then entering sens fortress. As i recently joined the cat covenant, i´m really stuck on playing pvp the last few days, which gave me an enormous boost on my current sl (i earned about 1,3 million souls yesterday. this pushed my char from ~sl 60 to sl 94. now i´m looking for an advice on how to spend the next souls on my char.

    i´m currently playing a pyro, here are my actual stats:

    vit 40
    att 19
    end 40
    str 20
    dex 16
    res 12
    int 10
    fai 20

    poise 78

    right hand: divine claymore +5 (havent got large ember yet, so planning on going to +10 on this one later)
    pyromancy flame +5 (already ascended to maximum) with great chaos fireball, great combustion, fire storm, fire whip
    left hand: spider shield, demon spear
    wolf ring (for the poise) and cat covenant ring (as i always forget to switch it when taken to pvp)

    i think i heard end is fine at 40. how much more should i invest into vit? i´m already planning on building a lightning washing pole as i heard this one really kicks *** (or am i false on this one?)
    should i go the faith path or build up dex and str for the badass-big-weapons?

    my armor really sucks imho (armor of the glorius, thief mask, everything else elite knight), i´m just using all that crappy stuff for my 78 poise. so here´s another question: how important is poise for pvp and how important is it fpr pve? i´m really looking forward to a better armor as my def in pvp really sucks compared to other players. it´s mainly for the poise-reason i use these. or should i go for lighter equip-load instead?

    i think my offensive is ok. but i´m not quite sure about my pyro-spells. any advice, maybe exchange them to something else or maybe some miracles? great combustion seems to deal a HUGE amount of damage whenever i´m timing it right and gcf also comes in handy from time to time. but fire whip and fire storm...they seem to take ages to cast. so in pvp i get a lot of bs while casting...

    i´m happy about any advice from you guys!

    thanks a lot°!

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    PVP/PVE pyro-faith or dex build - advice needed :) Empty Re: PVP/PVE pyro-faith or dex build - advice needed :)

    Post by IV_Mark_VI Thu Sep 20, 2012 9:53 am

    If you are mid-rolling, switch wolf ring to Havel's and use the stone armour; that armour is excellent until you can upgrade your regular armour to +8/9/10.

    If you're going for fast roll, stick with Wolf Ring.

    Since you have the demon spear which you shouldn't have yet, it seems you don't mind spoilers. So before levelling up, I would kick the ninja off the cliff, collect his ring, and then exit with a homeward bone or just running for it then homeward boning. Then absolve sins, rejoin covenant.

    Your pyro spells are good; use Bellowing and Pixie hat for increased damage since your divine+5 isn't going to do much in PvP.

    Also, I'd use Fire Tempest.

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    PVP/PVE pyro-faith or dex build - advice needed :) Empty Re: PVP/PVE pyro-faith or dex build - advice needed :)

    Post by kettpower Thu Sep 20, 2012 3:19 pm

    hello and welcome

    as u are already sl 94 there aren't really that many options. most players stop at sl 120-125 for their builds so keep that in mind.
    with str/dex 20/16 the washing pole is a must have for sure. make it lightning or fire and u are good to go.

    u usually will go for high dex when making a pyro cause of the increased casting speed. then u usually combine it with a typical dex scaling weapon. 40 would be okay but considering the constraints of the 120ish lvl cap im not sure if this is a viable option for you.

    i would suggest to go for 28 faith and cast wrath of the gods now and then. as u have 5 attunement slots this should be easily possible and give u some mean options in duels when combined with great combustion. u could also combine tranquil walk of peace with pyros but some ppl many not like it that much as it may be considered as a cheap tactic. well, in the forest anything goes....

    by the way: i think u are way too overleveled for 1st playthrough and u will for sure destroy most of the bosses that are about to come.
    glad u like the game. don't be too serious about your 1st build! maybe many will follow and take your time to discover and experiment.

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    PVP/PVE pyro-faith or dex build - advice needed :) Empty Re: PVP/PVE pyro-faith or dex build - advice needed :)

    Post by wulf Fri Sep 28, 2012 8:46 am

    hey all,
    first of all sorry for my late reply and thank you VERY much for your answers!

    i just stopped leveling up at sl 108, as you already mentioned i´m really feeling way to op for my first playthrough. bad thing is i missed havels ring somehow, i think he dropped to death, so i have to wait for the ring till ng+....
    i just collected the stone armor (which i like very much) and am currently in the painted world (still a tough area imho, even with sl 108)

    i think i will go for the ninja-flip ring after breathtaking arnor londo and try to get twop, which can get really annoying in pvp. but it also seems to be really efficient happy

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    PVP/PVE pyro-faith or dex build - advice needed :) Empty Re: PVP/PVE pyro-faith or dex build - advice needed :)

    Post by tinypantha Fri Sep 28, 2012 8:49 am

    *Facepalm* Another DWGR to pollute till the DLC btw GT?

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    PVP/PVE pyro-faith or dex build - advice needed :) Empty Re: PVP/PVE pyro-faith or dex build - advice needed :)

    Post by IV_Mark_VI Fri Sep 28, 2012 9:48 am

    When you kill the Ninja, Shiva attacks you. He is also a merchant, so try not to kill him, and teleport away, then absolve sins.

    He's new to PvP; DWGR is fine, and it'll be new to him.
    Lord of Ash
    Lord of Ash

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    PVP/PVE pyro-faith or dex build - advice needed :) Empty Re: PVP/PVE pyro-faith or dex build - advice needed :)

    Post by Lord of Ash Fri Sep 28, 2012 10:10 am

    Don't kill sheva till you get to blight town, then buy all his weapons and the light wood grain ring which increases weapon durability; go behind shiva kill the ninja in the corner get his ring and kill sheva while your in blight town. Id also talk to The Chaos sister pyromancer up against a pillar loads of spells and up grades for you flame if you havent already.

    TIP you can take a short cut through blighttown if you have master key go thruogh the Firelink shrine open gate ,and run by the guys with the hammers and take elevator. This puts you where shiva and pyromancer are.

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    PVP/PVE pyro-faith or dex build - advice needed :) Empty Re: PVP/PVE pyro-faith or dex build - advice needed :)

    Post by tinypantha Fri Sep 28, 2012 11:33 am

    Xbox or psn and whats your GT?

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    PVP/PVE pyro-faith or dex build - advice needed :) Empty Re: PVP/PVE pyro-faith or dex build - advice needed :)

    Post by wulf Mon Oct 01, 2012 8:10 am

    hi all!

    thanks again for you advises. i already bought everything i can get from sheeva. i´ve just gotten the red eye orb, so i already abandoned the cat covenant. maybe i should take the chance, get back to blighttown, and kill sheevas ninja-buddy.

    btw: my gamerstag on psn is wulfcast
    i´m always looking forward to coop and pvp! my next destinantion are the dukes archives.... so maybe i´ll see some of you guys (and girls) there!


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    PVP/PVE pyro-faith or dex build - advice needed :) Empty Re: PVP/PVE pyro-faith or dex build - advice needed :)

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