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    Are there SL level restrictions for the Gravelords?

    Back Lot Basher
    Back Lot Basher

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    Are there SL level restrictions for the Gravelords? Empty Are there SL level restrictions for the Gravelords?

    Post by Back Lot Basher Thu Sep 20, 2012 5:40 pm

    Just wondering anyone ever goes in for Gravelord cursing at low levels? Is the range of worlds affected limited to something close to your own?

    Oh, and do you have to be human to put down a stone? I assume you do, like the other invasion covenants...

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    Are there SL level restrictions for the Gravelords? Empty Re: Are there SL level restrictions for the Gravelords?

    Post by bmurn Thu Sep 20, 2012 6:45 pm

    Soul level restrictions are the same as darkwraith invasions. 10% of your level plus ten levels down and unlimited upwards infections.

    Yes, you need to be human to Gravelord, and the boss in the area needs to be alive. There is a good thread that I will link once I find it.

    The thread title is "Gravelord Instructions: How to properly spread misery". If I knew how to link a thread I would do so. But if you search you will find it.

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    Are there SL level restrictions for the Gravelords? Empty Re: Are there SL level restrictions for the Gravelords?

    Post by WyrmHero Thu Sep 20, 2012 7:02 pm

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    Are there SL level restrictions for the Gravelords? Empty Re: Are there SL level restrictions for the Gravelords?

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