I suppose we should address some of the concerns of the Gravesworn Membership as well as the Covenants section as a whole.
So lets try to start with the first and move through the issues as they present themselves.
NB_ WHILE IM SURE WILKS, WULF, AND WAR will want advice from the greater community at some point THIS THREAD IS REALLY ONLY FOR THEM
1.) How to reorganise the Gravesworn structurally? Will the GS remain as they are now or will you three make som changes to how they are structured. E.G_ Changing the Classes, Vocations, imposing a uniform or specific weapons?
2.) How will the Thread be handled. Rotation? So as to spread the responsibility?
3.) How will you check actually membership the the thread/group?
4.) Alliances? Assuming a scenario where the Gravesworn have no allies which allies would you three agree on having/ (NOTE THE Noble Knights and Gravesworn can never be allies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
5.) Will the release of the DLC change how you operate?
6.) What sort of events/ publicity generating things can you do to get a larger member base?
Well guys lets start with #1 and move on..... Wilks, Wulf, and War take it away.